Star Hawk Now in Favor with the Whitney Stable,
George Smith and the Ward Entry
About Equal Choices.
^Louisville, Ky., May 11. — All the assured starters
ils well as the others that may go to the post for
the Kentucky Derby on Saturday are now quartered
here and those that had not been given their
final work for the race got it today. At Churchill
Downs George Smith covered a mile and an eighth
ItoT). going the first mile in 1:40%. Star Hawk
*1*4 The Cock cantered a mile and a quarter it)
<2:14%, covering the first mile, hard held, in
1:*8%. The former appeared today to have as
roncli early speed as the fastest sprinter. At Doug-
1 Ca Park Kinney worked a mile and a quarter in
2:08%. running the first mile in 1:41%. At tills
track also Dodge galloped the Derby distance in
!*•:«, covering the first mile in 1:45.
There now appears ten that can be accounted
sure starters in the race. They embrace Dominant,
Thunderer, Star Hawk, The Cock, George Smith,
Franklin, Lena Mislm. Dulse, Kinney and Dank.
Others that may start embrace St. Isidore and
Hnlfaker, with such representative of the 4. Liv-
ingston stable as trainer Drandt may conclude to
send to the post. It is now believed that trainer
Howe will have 4. Notter on Thunderer and T.
McTaggart on Dominant. M. Garner will be up on
Star Hawk and W. Lilley on The Cock. 4. Loftus
will be on George Smith, F. Murphy on Franklin,
E. Dugan ou Lena Misha, L. Gentry on Kinney,
R. Goose on Dank and perhaps C. limit on Dulse.
Trataer W. 4. Young announced today that Dulse
Was a mire starter. lie shipped in grand condition
to Churchill Downs from Lexington and came out
tjf his race there sound. Young thinks he is capa-
ble of running mile and a quarter in 2:05 or I letter.
Trainer 4. S. Ward announced that witli dry
track conditions Franklin will be the starter in the
race and should the course be heavy he will send
Dodge to the isist and keep Franklin in the stable.
Star Hawk now appears to be the favorite locally
with George Smith, 4. 8. Ward’s entry and the
Whitney entry ail about equal second choices.
Conservative horsemen regard it as the most open
Derby ever run at the Downs and, on tills account,
it will unquestionably be a great betting race.
The track at the Downs is at present in such ex-
cellent conditio* that it is hardly thought possthte
that it can be otherwise than good, even should
there be some rain the early part of Derby day.
The Derby will is- run as the fifth race.
A feature of the Derby this year is that there
tire more horses now reckoned to lie sure starters
that have a strong following than usual. Many
look upon H. P. Whitney's entry as invincible this
year, as was Regret last year, but large as tlieir
following is. it is not overshadowing much the
horde of friends who swear by A. K. Macomber’s
and 4ohn Sanford’s stables, with their representa-
tives Star Hawk and The Cook. George Smith and
St. Isidore, respectively. Both Franklin and Dodge,
of J. S. Ward’s string, won their only starts at
the recent Lexington meeting and. while Dulse was
lieuten, he was giving Franklin much weight. These
three have a host of friends among Kentucky turf-
men ami are sure to he strongly backed. Then
comes Dank, which has shown wonderful speed over
old horses in his only start in Kentucky. There are
some who think he is the real dark horse of the
race and may take the lead at the rise of the
burner ami never relinquish it until after the
winning line is passed.
Every train coming into the city is crowded to
the limit with racing enthusiasts and parties, here-
tofore consisting of three or four in number, have
now expanded to a dozen or more. Horsemen and
patrons of racing of great prominence from all
over America are already in the city and the Downs
track this morning looked like it might on a racing
All was bustle at lioth local courses this morn-
ing. the arrival of the big contingent from Lexing-
ton taking up the horsemen’s attention. Dotii
tracks house more horses this spring than in any
previous year. The quality is also superior and it
should make for sport of the highest class.
T. D. Ccmpliell who served as steward at the
New Orleans meeting the past wi’iter. was an ar-
rival today to witness the Derby. He stated that
matters were progressing harmoniously in the
Crescent City and that there would again be a high-
class meeting there next winter.
The Kentucky State Racing Commission will
hold a s|s>ciul meeting next week to pass upon
iiuiKirtunt matters.
Earl F. Wright has succeeded George II. Strate
as trainer of the George Wingfield horses and now
lias them in charge.
It develops that E. R. Bradley sought to buy
Westy Hogan just liefure his start in the Breeders’
Futurity yesterday and offered owner 4ohn O.
Whitlow $10,000 and the winnings of the colt in
the race iu addition to a fee of $500 to the rider
In ease the colt won. Owner Whitlow turned the
offer down.
At Tijuana last Saturday 4. L. Beckham's four-
yeur-old chestnut gelding Dad Davies, by ProKjiero
— Lena 4.. fell dead while cantering on the track.
A ruptured blood vessel was thought to be the
Admission tickets are not sold at Tijuana.
Visitors pay $1 at the places of entrance. It is
said that on the opeuing day of the present meet-
ing the sum thus taken in was slightly in excess of
$4,800 ami that this has been exceeded ou several
Sundays since.
The Steamship Manchuria, due at New York in a
day or two with a big consignment of horses from
August Belmont's French breeding establishment,
Huras de Villers, will also bring over four of .loliu
Sanford’s three-year-olds, as well as a number of
Eurly Wright, who is well known on all western
trucks, has left for Kentucky, where he takes
charge of George Wingfield's horses. Early trained
Walter Dupee’s horses in the 4anuary meeting and
put Robert Lee over the other day for la-e Rlas-
singume. It is not known whether lie will succeed
George Strate as chief of staff. — San Diego Union.
Toronto, Out., May 11. — Today’s arrivals at
Woodbine were the Hendrick and Glasses* stables
from Windsor, and the D. A. Campbell horses from
Galt. The Hendrick string, trained by A1 Bailer,
consists of Sir Arthur, Kathleen II.. the tliree-
year-old Master Wray, by Rotterdam — The Laurel,
and the two-year-olds Isabelle H. and Tyrone, isitii
by William Wright. Fred Fox brought three
Glussi-o horses. Miss Gaiety, F. E. Gaiety and the
two year-old. ltex Gaiety. The Campbell baud
consisted of Ptiiiliiaun. Dorotliy Carlin. Mike Car-
lin. and the two- year -olds Gay Life, Gay Gown,
Gay Knight and Dave Campbell.
Training work today was done on a muddy
traek witli the "dogs” up. Privet Petal’s mile iu
1:50% wus the best move of tbe day.
More Horses Than Last Year Available for the
Opening of Racing at Jamaica.
(By Ed Cole.)
New York, May 11. — As the day approaches for
the ojiening of the racing season hereabouts the loeal
tracks present scenes of general activity. The
stables are filling up to a marked degree, in fact
there are already more horses quartered hereabouts
than there were on the opening day last year. This
indicates larger fields and more contention in the
races. Many of the stables have already moved to
.Jamaica, where the sport will begin this year,
though quite a number will be trained at Belmont
Park, which is close enough to the 4amaica track
to permit the walking of horses to the scene of
action without distressing them to any great ex-
tent. While the horses are being hurried along as
much as possible, the majority are still at least two
weeks backward in condition as compared with last
year. This is due to the long winter, which checked
all outside work until late In the spring. This is
emphasised by the horses from winter tracks that
have been racing in Maryland. Few eastern horse-
men had material ready for Maryland and those
which were sent tiiere have shown a decided lack
of preparation. They are just beginning to round
into form, and from now on the majority of the
horses campaigned at New Orleans and other winter
tracks may be relegated to the rear.
Naturally the foreign-bred horses are attracting
more attention than the domestic product on the
Long Island tracks these days. Every horseman is
trying to get a line on them to find out if possible
what lie lias to beat. One of the elockers who has
been a dose observer for the past week or two
claims that while there may be some good horses
among the foreign juveniles, there are also many
good prospects among those foaled In this country.
“I don’t know what Walter Jennings is going to
bring here from Kentucky, but he will have to trot
out something above the average to hold his own
with those which have been seen on these tracks,”
said the docker. “Phil (’liinn has just landed here
with ten or twelve horses that look promising, and
John Madden’s band, from outward appearances,
are up to liis usual standard. In fact he lias one
or two extra good lookers in his string. There
are so many young horses in training that one
cannot yet get a line on them with any regard to
correctness. In a couple of weeks we shall know
more about them.”
Judging from general api>earanees, the horses that
have been trained here will not be up to their real
form until they have raced a time or two. None of
the high-class horses lias been hurried, which in-
dicates that some of the handicaps on the opening
days may be won by horses of inferior quality that
are In good condition. While Andrew Miller
will try and send Roamcr to the post at Jamaica or
Belmont Park, it is a sure thing he cannot give a
genuine account of himself over a long route. It
lias lieen said that Hildreth’s string belonging to
August Belmont are in fair condition. Hildreth ims
them pretty high in flesh, following his usual
method in the spring. He is a firm believer in
building horses up and should any of his string
have a high appearance when they walk out of the
paddock it must not always lie construed they are
not fit. Mr. Preece lias a dozen at Belmont Park,
and while it may not be the most fashionable string
of horses which carry the bluest blood, he has what
is usually termed a useful outfit.
Captain E. B. Cassatt does not claim anything
extraordinary for his stable this year in the two-
year-old line though he intimates he 1ms one young-
ster that is far better than any of those he intro-
duced last year. In his own words he says: “I’m
afraid my lot will not liother anybody much, though
I have one youngster which is promising on looks.
But we can never tell how young horses are going
to turn out. The most, promising are sometimes
the worst and those which are almost ready for the
discard turn out to be superior racing material.”
It looks as if the Hewlett Bay Park meeting will
soon be on the racing map for a longer time than
two days. The recent two days of racing have been
so successful in ]K*int of interst that the Rockaway
Club is now talking of holding forth on two days
more in the autumn after the regular racing season
closes. While the fields were small at Hewlett Bay
Park tiiere was no little interest in the racing on
Saturday last. There is a scarcity of good amateur
riders at these hunt meetings. After John Tucker
and Tommy Wright, there is not one which can be
conscientiously added to the list of good riders.
These facts make the races pretty much one-sided
ami the regulars look upon these two riders as
holding the winning hand at all times.
Tilings are lively at the Jamaica track where
racing will begin next Thursday with nearly all
the big stables represented. Mr. Andrew Miller
ims decided to start his champion of the past two
years. Roamer, in the King’s County Handicap on
Saturday, May 20 over its mile and one-sixteenth
course. Jack Goldsborough, Roamer’s trainer will
take him to Jamaica next Tuesday where he will
get his final work for the race. The race will
lie one of Roamer’s preliminaries for the Kentucky
Handicap to be run about two weeks later. It is
probable several imported horses will be seen at
Jamaica, many having been nominated for tlie
stakes. James Fitzsimmons will have the largest
string of horses with thirty -three in charge.
The committee of the United Hunts Association
gave an informal luncheon today at the Turf ami
Field Club. After luncheon the guests inspected
the improvements at the Belmont Park Terminal
track, where racing will be conducted next Satur-
day and Wednesday. Some rich events are sched-
uled. tbe members of tin* association having sub-
scribed $25,000 for distribution this year.
The four three-year-olds Baffouilleur, Esprit Gau-
lois. Mali wall and Trouble Fete, imported from
France by Mr. Clarence Maekay, will be trained
this year by Charles F. Hill, and probably race in
the name of >Ir. Ilill. All hut Mnhwali are well
engaged in stakes and Esprit Gaulois and Trouble
Fete have been nominated for the Hamilton Derby.
New York, May 11. — Work-outs of horses in
training over a fast track at Belmont Park included
the following:
Air Jinn — Mile in 1:57%.
Bet — Mile in 1:49%.
I)eer Trap — Half mile ill 48%.
Distant Shore — Mile in 1:52.
Etruscan — Half mile in 47%.
Gainer — Five-eighths in 1:02%.
Half Rock — Three-quarters iu 1:20.
Hanson — Mile in 1:52.
Hendric — Mile in 1 :40.
High Chair — Mile in 1:50.
Jucoba — Mile in 1:40%.
Kohinoor — Half mile in 52%.
Marse Henry — Mile in 1:46.
Mustard — Three-quarters iu 1:17.
Phosphor — Mile iu 1:47.
Rock Port — Half mile in 48%.
Sharpshooter — Mile in 1:43%.
Shooting Star — Mile iu 1:52.
Sir Vivian — Mile in 1:48.
Spectre — Three-eighths in 39%.
Tetan — Five-eighths in 1:02%.
Tragedy— Half mile in 5t'».
True as Steel — Three-quarters in 1:19%.
Virile — Five-eighths iu 1:02%.
Vixen — Half mile iu 56.
Water Belle — Mile in 1:52.
Wenonub — Mile iu 1:52.
It Is Controlled by the Kenilworth Racing Asso-
ciation and Is Being Constructed Now.
Toronto, Ont.. May 11. — The Kenilwortli Racing
Association will in all probability be the name
under which the new traek at Windsor will be
operated. Perhaps the reason for adopting this
name was because the mammoth steel constructed
stand of Kenilworth Park at Buffalo has been pur-
chased for the new course and will be taken down
and transferred there. This stand is 415 feet long
and the weight of the steel in it is estimated at
300 tons. It will be shipped by rail to Windsor.
Thomas Hare, of Toronto, is at present in Windsor
superintending the laying out of the new track
and looking after the building of the stables. The
track will be a mile in circumference, with a quar-
ter-mile chute. Both books and the pari-mutuels
will be put on for the service of the bettors. The
A. M. Orpen Contracting company, of Toronto, is
building the track, while A. J. Rattray, of Toronto,
is the architect and Hepburn & Disher, of Toronto,
are the steel contractors.
The inaugural meeting will take place from Au-
gust 30 to September 6. This is a week after the
close of the Windsor Jockey Club’s meeting and
will take in Labor day. The second meeting will
close racing in Canada for the year, it being sched-
uled to open on October 14. the Saturday following
tlie close at Hillcrest Park, Toronto, and closing
on October 21.
New Orleans. La., May 11. — The New Orleans Live
Stock and Agricultural Fair, under the auspices of
the Rtisincss Men’s Racing Association, with I. B.
Rcnnysou as general manager, will be given at the
Fair Grounds, November 11 to 19, inclusive. This
was announced by Sir. Rennyson following a confer-
ence witli President Pinckard of tlie racing associa-
tion. Tlie dates will not conflict with the State
Fair at Shreveport.
Mr. Rennyson will leave for Shreveport Monday
evening, where he will confer with Louis N. Broug-
gerhoff, manager of the State Fair. It is probable
lie will visit other fair centers to get first-hand
information on the successful conduct of a big live
stock and agricultural exhibit.
• "Our dates,” said Mr. Rennyson, “will not con-
flict with the State Fair held annually at Shreve-
port. We have carefully guarded aguinst that, and
the object of my visit to Shreveport is merely for
the purpose of conferring with the fair management,
discussing exhibits that might be used to advant-
age here. It is the purpose of the racing associa-
tion to conduct a fair that will be filled with edu-J
rational features. We want to attract the attention
of tlie farmers, tlie breeders and everybody who is
directly or indirectly interested or concerned in the
development of the great state of Louisiana.”
Immediately on tlie return of Mr. Rennyson, who
resigned the presidency of the Business Men’s Rac-
ing Association so that lie could give his time to
tlie management of the live stock and agricultural
fair, the fair committee will complete the pre-
liminary details. This will be followed shortly by
arranging the Fair Grounds to suit the plans for
tlie big fair. Pending the building of the fair, the
management will conduct a campaign of publieity
over the south, directing attention to the November
dates, all of which will have a tendency to bring
a greater number of people here during tlie latter
part of tlie year and in advance of the regular rac-
ing season. The fair will be followed closely by
the opening of the winter race meeting and, no
doubt, will serve as an annual feature that will
command attention not only over the south but over
the entire country.
The exhibit will be known as the New Orleans
Live Stock and Agricultural Fair, thus avoiding
any conflict in name or otherwise with the annual
State Fair at Shreveport.
Lexington, K.v., May 11. — Several carloads of
horses were shipped today from tlie Kentucky As-
sociation track to Louisville. Others will be
shipped tomorrow and Saturday. Special trains for
tlie Derby day crowd will be run from all points
in tlie blue grass section to Louisville Saturday.
A party of New Yorkers spent today with Price
McKinney at Kingston Farm. Among them were
Andrew Miller, II. K. Knapp, F. R. Hitchcock and
Schuyler L. Parsons.
John R. McLaughlin and his brothers today en-
tertained a large number of visitors who had at-
tended tlie races witli a fish fry at Lake Ellerslie.
(’. J. Brockmiller will leave here tomorrow for
Belmont Park with Grumpy. Solveig. Old Ben and
Narmar. Archie Zimmer will take east in the same
ear Preston Lynn and Ancon. Zimmer has turned
out Caugli Hill and Brockmiller has turned out
Aces and Ingot.
J. C. Milam today sent Bellita to Senator Cam-
den’s farm near Versailles to be retired to tlie
stud. He also reported that Solly in some manner
had picked up a nail and. for that reason, will not
lie raced for some time. This certainly is a bad
luck horse.
A. L. Austin will ship his string to Canada to-
morrow. It. L. Baker will go to Canada after tlie
Latonia meeting.
Messrs. W. H. Shelley and Roger Sullivan com-
pleted tlieir work in the racing secretary’s office
here today ami this afternoon took their de-
parture for Louisville.
That there will bo a tremendous crowd at Louis-
ville Saturday for tlie Derby, is indicated by the
inability of persons here today to secure by tele-
phone reservations of boxes or seats iu the grand-
stand. All of the reserved section has been sold
since Monday.
J. M. It.. Chicago. It was at Washington Park
that Dick Welles defeated Runnels and made a new
record for three-quarters of a mile.
Frank R., Chicago. At the time you name the
new entries were known and any wagers that might
have been made were on them and stood.
Carl It.. St. Louis, Mo. You do not state the
limit, but is is plain tiiere were two winning tran-
sactions as made and one losing.
F. G. L., Chicago. From time to time Daily
Racing Form publishes racing dates for this year
and gives tlie style of ls-tting in use at each track.
At nearly all race meetings this paper is ou sale
before tlie races.
M. II. O., Chicago. If Harry Kelly had been
beaten a wager oil him singly would have lost.
If he had been scratched it would have been a draw.
If one wishes to profit on whichever of a coupled
entry wins tlie entry should be backed.
Toronto. Ont., May 11. — Tlie Toronto half-mile
tracks have named tlieir dates as follows:
Dufferiu Park — August 2 to August 9.
Hillcrest Park — August 12 to August 19.
Dufferiu Park — September 9 to September 16.
Hillcrest Park — October 3 to October 10.
Day’s Sport Given Over to the Selling Platers—
Linbrook Takes His Race— Jem Also
Wins and Is Bid Up — Track Talk.
Baltimore, Md., May 11. — In what was offered as
tlie carded feature at Pimlico tills afternoon, tlie
Potomac Steeplechase, cross-country enthusiasts
were well rewarded by a stirring contest. Cactus
Bud. racing under the silks of the Glen Riddle
Farm, was returned the winner over Emerald Gem.
Maybud II. took the short end of the purse away
from Stonewood in the last seventy yards, when B.
Haynes became too confident. Tlie winner shoxved
himself a capital fencer and held the others safe
all the way.
The remainder of the card was given over to the
cheaper class of horses, but spirited and wholesome
racing resulted. In the claiming handicap at one
mile, Linbrook. racing for Lewis Garth, was an
easy victor. The conditions of the race provided
that each of the starters could be claimed for
$1,000. H. G. Bedwell’s Manokin accounted for
the opening dash in easy fashion.
Jem, winner of the sixth race, was made a
target for the bidders up, being advanced to $1,205,
at which figure lie was protected, after an advance
of $C00. G. E. Phillips was responsible for tlie
Vastly -improved weather conditions helped to
bring out another large crowd. Due to exhaustion,
after the running away of Mary Warren, jockey L.
Lyke was forced to cancel the remainder of liis
Eighteen of H. G. Bcdwell’s horses were shipped
to Montreal yesterday, ten being consigned to
Delorimier Park and eight to Dorval. Two more
carloads will lenve for Dorval tomorrow. This
consignment will be made up of the stables of
W. M. Carter, G. E. Phillips, G. R. Bryson and
C. N. Freeman. Another carload will go to
Delorimier Park. This ear will be made up of tlie
horses owned by P. Stire, M. J. Daly, E. Truman
and G. B. Morris.
T. Rodroek. a successful steeplechase rider a
few years back and, who is now in charge of tlie
stud that Mr. Oakly Thorne maintains at Millhrook
N. Y.. was a visitor at Pimlico today. Mr. Thorne
lias the French stallion Angel Jim standing at his
farm and lie lias four fine looking yearlings by
him out of thoroughbred mares.
Edward McBride left for Louisville tonight to
he on hand for the running of tlie Kentucky Derby.
It was McBride who developed that good colt
George Smith, which will carry John Sanford’s
colors in the Derby and McBride is hopeful that
the son of Out of Reach will land the rich prize.
Jockey T. I’urrington had the x-rays put on liis
injured foot and it was discovered that one of
tlie small bones was broken. This will keep the
lad out of tlie saddle for a couple of weeks.
Thirty new members joined tbe Kentucky Thor-
oughbred Horse Association at the meeting of the
Maryland branch of the association held here Tues-
day night. A committee was appointed to look
after the association’s interests in Canada and
New York. The Canadian committee is made up
of William Garth, H. (5. Bedwell and James Ar-
thur. while R. F. Carman. A. G. Blakeley, Larry
Carey, Emil Herz, J. F. Adams and Capt. P. M.
Walker will act on the committee appointed for
the New York race tracks. The new members en-
rolled were J. Lumsdefi, M. F. Sliced}’, N. L.
Snelson, J. L. Jones, W. Allen, L. Becker, J. J.
Mahon. Godfrey Preece, R. F. Carman. C. W.
Campbell, E. J. Crawford, W. C. Gardner, A. It.
Bresler, Joseph J. Murphy, A. O. Blakeley. W.
Jennings, J. Gormley, F. T. Shorten, C. R. Talbot,
G. L. Strang. A. C. Parretto. W. J. Anderson.
E. C. Dahle. Charles O. Smith. E. Ratlmian, J. S.
Wailes, P. Lydecker, H. 8. Phillips and Capt. I*.
M. Walker.
Charles O. Smith was an arrival from Chicago.
Mr. Smith is interested in several of the half-
mile tracks in Maryland and he will remain here
for a month or more, looking after his interests.
A meeting at Prospect Park will follow immediately
after the close of Pimlico. The condition books
have been distributed among the horsemen and
the purses are $300 and $400.
Before leaving for Montreal, W. C. Westmore-
land secured the sprinter Elk Ridge and tlie two-
year-ohl Light Slioes from 4. O. Talbott.
Edward McBride will ship liis stable to Toronto
on Tuesday next. Immediately following tlie close
of tlie meeting a big s|ieoial train will leave
Baltimore for Toronto. It will be made up of ten
Col. William Hemlrie will lie in the stewards’
stand at the Woodbine Park meeting this spring.
I .eon Crespo, of Havana, who purchased several
horses from H. G. Bedwell towards the latter part
of the Oriental Park meeting, is a visitor at Pim-
lico. He brought the news that several Cuban
gentlemen contemplate purchasing thoroughbreds
next summer with the idea of racing them in Culm
next winter.
Lexington, Ky., May 11.— The following fouls are
reported from tlie Wickliffe Stud:
Bay colt by Disguise — Kubia Granda, by Greenan.
Mari* will be mated to Hippodrome.
Chestnut colt by Ultimas— Noonday, by Domino.
Mare will be mated to Delhi.
Bay filly by Delhi — Gingham, by Domino. Mare
will be returned to Delhi.
The following foals belonging to R. T. Wilson are
reported at Kirklevington Farm:
Chestnut colt by Olambala — Witchcraft, by Horo-
scope. Returned to Olambala.
Chestnut filly by Olambala — Ridicule, by Althetas.
Returned to Olambala.
Bay filly by Olambala — Fantasque, by Disguise.
Returned to Olambala.
Breekenridge Viley & Sons, Stonewall Farm, re-
port the following foals:
Bay filly by Peter Quince — Little Oasis, by Belvi-
dere. Mare muted to Luke McLukc.
Bay filly by The Manager— Irvana, by Onondaga.
E. S. Lyle reports a chestnut colt by Hurst Park
— Herkyte. by llermis.
W. J. Dowling re|K»rts the following foals:
Chestnut colt by Areite — Bob’s Pet, by C’esarion.
Mare was mated to Areite.
Brown colt by Areite — Pony Girl, by Buhlur. Foal
died and mare was returned to Areite.
Chestnut filly by Areite — Irene Regent, by Muka-
Montreal. Que.. May 11. — The hitch over loeal
racing dates 1ms not yet been untangled. A meet-
ing of traek owners culled for yesterday after-
noon failed to materialize ami King Edward Park,
which it was recently decided to o|ierate again
this summer, is still without dates. Tlie solution
of tlie difficulty is likely to come through an ar-
rangement witli the Muisonneuve track, which
may shift one of its meetings back two days, en-
abling the King Edward traek to work iu a week
in July and another iu August, when there is no
racing iu Montreal.
\ *
FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1916.
George J. Ling's b. f, Kathleen, 3, by Sem-
lironhiK — Bnenia.
Adkins & Mackenzie’* ch. h, Leo Skolny, 5, by
Star Shoot — I duly Alberta.
T. 0. McDowell’s cb. c, Priuiero, 3, by Voter —
Lady Anne.
T. C. McDowell V br. f, Waterblossom, 4, by
Waterboy — Basset ting.
J. E. Madden’s br. c, Marae Henry, 3, by Ben
Brush — Nan’s Cloth.
L. Marion’s b. g. Little Nephew, 5, by Uncle
— Mrs. Granville.
Jones & Middleton’s ch. f. Lady Always, 3, by
Peter Quince — Tunisia.
Levy Sc Milam’s br. c, J. J. Murdock, 3, by Con-
testor — G rotesq ue.
P. J. Millet's blk. c. Jack O’Dowd, 3, by Peter
Pan — Lauretta Burke.
M. C. Moore’s ch. c, Booker Bill, 4, by McGee —
Rose Lady.
M. C. Moore’s b. g, Gipsey George, 3, by Dick
Welles — Animosity.
D. E. Mulhollnnd’s b. g, John Jr., 3, by Marta
Santa — Maude Fealy.
William L. Oliver’s b. g, Kewessa, 6, by McGee —
A. D. Parr’s b. f, Jane Straitb, 3, by Dalhousie
J. W. Parrish’s ch. c, Bnlse, 8, by Disguise —
Parrish Sc Rodgers’ ch. c, Dr. Moore, 3, by Dis-
guise — Lardella.
J. W. Schorr’s hr. g, Dick Williams, 3, by Dick
Finnell — Annie , Williams.
J. TjT. Schorr’s b. g, David Craig, 5, by Peep
o’ Day — Avon.
J. W. Schorr’s ch. c, Ed Crump, 4, by Peep
o’Day — Evaline.
Mrs. J. Shilling’s b. g, Conning Tower, 4, by
Yankee — Okitau.
W. Sbowalter’s ch. c, Cane Run, 3, by Box —
Domino Noire.'
J. H. Stamper, Jr.’s b. f, Ethel May, 3, by Mc-
Gee — Virginia Moore.
J. H. Stamper, Jr.’s ch. f, Broom Flower, 4, by
Broomstick — Klldeer.
L. Tauber’s br. g, Brlnghorst, 5, by Plaudit —
Sweet Marjoram.
W. J. Weber’s ch. g, Hodge, 5, by Ivan the Ter-
rible — Nannie Hodge.
Ward Sc Weber’s J>. c, Dodge, 3, by Jim Gaffney
— Flora Willoughby.
H. P. Whitney's b. or br. c, Purdey, 4, by Fowl-
ing-piece — -Lady Hamburg.
H- P. Whitney’s b. f, Regina, 3, by Broomstick
— Queen of Hearts.
H- P. Whitney’s ch. f, Adroit, 3, by Broomstick
H. P. Whitney’s b. g. Hubbub, 3, by Broomstick
— Rumpus.
H. P. Whitney’s b. C, Dominant, 3, by Delhi —
H. P. Whitney’s ch. c, Thunderer, 3, by Broom-
stick — Jersey Lightning.
H. P. Whitney’s b. c, Bromo, 3, by Broom-
stick — Leayonara.
New York, May 11. — Weights for the handicaps
to be run at the meeting of the United Hunts Rac-
ing Association at Belmont Park Terminal, Satur-
day, May 13, are as follows:
Tlie Great United Hunts Steeplechase, value
85,000; two miles and a half.
Horse. Wt. Horse. Wt.
Compliment 160 Viflr 140
Kintore 158 Bally Bay 138
Blankenburg 156 J. C. Kwalt 138
I.ysander 156 ‘Nenuphar 138
Bonny Laddie 155 Pay Streak 138
Shannon River 155 Royal Amber 137
Mission 154 Top Hat 137
Weldship 154 Pons Asinorum ....137
Cherry Malotte ....153 Distance 136
Exton 153 Chivalry 135
Swish 152 North wood 135
Conqueror 150 Traditioner 135
El Bart 148 Twenty-One 135
M. J. Shannon 147 Rupicn 133
•Ben W y vis 145 Ambrosian 133
Brentwood 145 Sorrento 133
Duke of Dulnth 143 Martian 133
Bill Dudley 142 ‘Brotherstone 132
•Fattauta 140 B. of Bryn Mawr.,132
Kibler 140 Raccoon 131
Skibbereen .140
The Turf and Field, for three -year -olds and
over, gentlemen ridera; one mile.
Libyan Sands
Star Gaze . . .
Sing Song
Cnrrer Bell .
Dragoman . . .
Rucker’s Run
Top Hat
My King ...
Amnns .......
Walking Fox
Crest Hill ...
The Loyalty,
•year-olds nnd
over, that
have sturted at
hunt meetings in 1915,
riders; one mile.
. .168
. .164
Nosegay ....
. .162
Devoter ....
My King ...
The Westbury
about two
El Bart
. .158
Flying Peep
. .146
. .142
Traditioner .
. .142
Otto Floto . . .
. .140
. .140
March court .
Powder Puff
Tlie North Shore,
and over;
one mile and a quarter.
Star Gaze . . .
. .126
Protector . . .
•Marcellinus . . .
. .116
Hands Off .
Rhine Maiden
•Simon Jones
Marchenu . . .
of crop production. Federal and state governments
have given their assistance and' encouragement to
such work, ami lie would indeed lie brave who would
ask for a withdrawal of the method or the curtail-
ment of appropriations for such work. If tlie same
efforts were uiade looking to the establishment of
the type of horse this country needs, the result
would be equally as gratifying as that which at-
tends any other agrarian pursuit. This has not
been done to date, however, but I believe it will
come. Once there is an establishment of type
there should be no deviation from it.
"We read occasionally of how the tractor is driv-
ing the horse from the farm,” went on the senator,
"but my observation is that good farm horses were
never higher in price than they are at present,
and the horse as an accessory of country life holds
u secure iswition.”
In concluding. Senator Wadsworth said that he
considered the price of fliiO, now paid by the fed-
eral authorities for a three-year-old cavalry mount,
as being too low, and there would be an additional
incentive to produce this type of animal if the
margin of profit to tlie dealer were increased.
The French war office report says: French
troops repulsed with bayonets and grenades an at-
tack delivered by the Germans early this morn-
ing west of tlie Yanx pond, northeast of Verdun.
On tlie west bunk of tlie Meuse only artillery ac-
tivity occurred during last night, the war office
reported today, the Germans failing to return the
attack. French artillery throughout last night
displayed unusual activity in the Champagne region,
concentrating its fire on German positions south-
east of Tahure. About 110 yards of German
trendies were destroyed. Four French war planes
bomburded the railway stations at Damviller and
Etain Inst night, setting fire to a railway depot.
Though German artillery continues active on the
west bank of the Meuse, evidently in preparation
for renewed attacks, tlie impression is again grow-
ing in the French capital that the Germans are
preparing to abandon the attack on Verdun. In
this connection the statement spread broadcast by
the German semi-official news agency yesterday
with reference to the number of troops involved
was cited. French officers ridiculed the statement
that 800,000 French troops were engaged at Ver-
dun. They said the German government undoubt-
edly caused such a statement to be published , to
prove to the German people that the crown prince
was confronted with tremendous obstacles at Ver-
dun, thus explaining the failure of his attempt to
take the fortress.
The First Cavalry, Illinois National Guard, prob-
ably will be called to tlie Mexican border within
a few days to do patrol work along the. Rio
Grande. Major General Frederick Funaton, com-
manding the southern department of the United
States army, announced in El Paso, Texas, yester-
day that lie was considering calling these troops,
according to dispatches. Colonel Milton J. Fore-
man, commander of the First Cavalry, left for
Washington just before the press association
brought news of General Funston’s plans. But his
regiment, from Lieutenant Colonel Wallace H.
Whigum, who is in command during Colonel Fore-
man's absence, down to tlie newest rookie who
has enlisted at the North Clark street armory,
answered, "Ready, sir!”
Sharp fighting has taken place north of Avlonn,
which is apparently a signul that the Austrians
have commenced their long threatened offensive
against the Italians and Serbians In Albania. Brisk
artillery firing all along the Anglo-French front
in northern Greece was reported in dispatches re-
ceived at Athens yesterday. The Bulgarians are
bringing up fresh forces south of Monastir and
throwing up strong defensive positions. The Bul-
garian commanders evidently expect an attack
from allied forces concentrated near Fiorina.
TUUANA, MEX., May 8, 1916.— Fifteenth day.
Lower California Jockey Club’s Summer Meeting of
100 days. Weather clear.
Presiding Judge, C. H. Pettingill. Starter, Ed-
ward Tribe. Racing Secretary, Samuel J. McGibben.
25993 First Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse $300. 3-
year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to
winner $225; second, $50; third, $25.
Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Cl. PI. Sh.
24547 Robert Lee 105 IS E Pool 12-51 1-2
25750 T. Seven 93 2‘ HHPhil’ps 6 2 1
25750 ! Cuyama 101 3 5 E Smith 3-2 1-2 out
25906 Shadow 100 4> C Basqull 60
25767*M. Rose II. 106 5h W Taylor 6
25899 Rapid May 93 6} J Mason 15
M’guerlteW. 109 7J J Dawson 50
25899 Eugene Sues 103 8'i J Collins 12
25750 Happiness 91 9 4 C Mergler 40
24631 Soluble 110 10« O Gentry 50
23128 Wynema 109 11 HCopeland 60
Time, 1:09. Track good.
Winner — L. A. Blasingame’s b. c, 3. by General
Roberts — Princess (trained by E. Wright).
Start good und slow. Won driving; second and
third the same. The winner was entered for $300;
no bid.
Overweights — Rapid May, 2 pounds; Robert Lee,
4; Shadow, 4; Eugene Sues, 5.
25994 Second Race— 1-2 Mile. Purse $300. 2-
year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner
$225; second, $50; third, $25.
Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Cl. PI. Sli.
( 25905 )Rollin Lalrdll5 I s M M’ thews 4-5 1-4 out
25381 >Sybil 112 2 s J Groth 5 2 4-5
25347 Lady Ward 107 3 2 J W Ormes 20 6 2
(25873)Gulf Streamll2 4= E Pool 3
25880 Rosellis 112 5* F Stevens 12
25755 Wand 112 6' WJO’Brien 25
25177 Bootheels 107 7=1 C Thomas 60
Harry D. 107 8 H Hanmer 100
Time, 49% (new track record). Traok good.
Winner — Paleto Stable’s b. c, by Bob Ragon —
Mattie H. (trained by H. Herbert).
Start good and slow. Won easily; second and
third driving.
Washington, D. C., May 11. — United States Sen-
ator James W. Wadsworth, Jr., who is a member of
tlie Agriculture and Forestry committee, to which
the Pittman bill airpropriating $200,000 for tlie pro-
duction of a better type of horse for agricultural
and military purposes has been referred, is par-
ticularly qualified to speuk on the subject of horse
breeding, as lie is a member of the well-known
family of that name, which has made the Genesee
valley famous throughout America as the home of
horses of quality.
"I regard the production of horses of the right type
as something that is worthy of the attention of the
farmer and horse breeder everywhere,” said tlie
junior senator from the Empire State, a few days
ago at the Capitol, "and the only question in my
mind is how the matter shall be approached as a
country -wide proposition in order to acheive tlie best
results. We have the government with Its experi-
mental stations in various parts of the country, and
the breeding bureaus of the Jockey Club of New
York, nnd the Kentucky State Racing Commission,
doing good work, but their influence is not national
at the present time. - The entire matter is, of
course, an educational problem, and once the sympa-
thies and aid of those that are capable of working
out tlie problem and evolving the type of anmial
best fitted for our needs are enlisted, we should
make progress. We are told that foreign govern-
ments are tuking a lot of good cavalry remounts
from us, and I am in a position to confirm that
statement, having seen 8,000 head of horses and
5,000 mules at a British remount headquarters at
Lathrop, Mo., last November. As a whole the horses
were a splendid lot. and I hud at first hand a prac-
tical demonstration of liow England has earned her
reputation for landing her horse supplies on the
continent with a minimum of loss. The station
was under the control of Col. Drage, who had per-
fected a system which called for a thirty days’
stay in the camp before trans-shipment. The ani-
mals were kept in pens of 500 each, being grouped
according to tlie date of their arrival, and it was
interesting to note the improvement of their con-
dition with the lapse of time. They were given
u regular amount of work, und were in perfect
health when started on their Journey, the result
being that the losses from Lathrop were only one-
lialf of one per cent.”
"What manner of horse do you think best suited
to the army?”
“It is generally agreed, both in this country and
by European authorities,” responded tlie senator,
"that the half or three -quarter- bred is ideal for the
service, though the short-eoupled trotting-bred an-
imal, well packed over the loin, also makes a splen-
did mount. Taking the qualifications of tlie thor-
oughbred and standard-bred into consideration. I
should say that tlie perfect type of army horse will
be evolved from these families. Always in the evo-
lution quality of bone should be a primary condi-
tion. •
“The matter of horse-breeding has not had tlie
attention It deserves,” continued tlie senator.
“Agricultural colleges have given a spur and a
stimulus to the people to breed better sheep, cattle
und hogs. The farmers have been taught that tlie
planting of selected seeds makes for the maximum
25995 Third Race — 3-4 Mile. Purse $300. 4-year-
olds and upward. Selling. Net value to win-
ner $225: second, $50; third, $25.
Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Cl. PI. Sh.
25814 San Bernito 105 l 2 J Longo 7 3 3-2
25884 *Letiti& 100 2 s J Mason 8-5 1-2 out
25899 s Hannis 109 3»> J Groth 8 3 8-5
25941 Zetetic 105 4 9 E Pool 2
25899 s Hannis 109 3»> J Groth 8 3 8-5
25941 Zetetic 105 4 s E Pool 2
25902 Judge Sale 107 5 2 Donvitz 15
Casaloma 109 6® N Bredin’ 30
12258 Lindar 111 7 s W Taylor 5
24631 TheM.D’hter 107 8» J Dawson 100
25939 Twin Sister 98 9* Troise 60
25884 Erfolg 102 10 H Griffith 15
Time, 1:15%, Track good.
Winner — G. W. Shiite’s ch. m, 8, by Mon’r Bean-
caire — Sierra Leone (trained by A. E. Atkins).
Start good and slow. Won easily; second and
third driving. Tlie winner was entered for $200;
no bid.
Overweights — I Iannis, 2 pounds; Zetetic, 2.
25996 Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. Purse $300. 4-year-
olds and upward. Selling. Net value to win-
ner $225; second, $50; third, $25.
Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Cl. PI. Sh.
25754 s Wiltrude S. 105 1J E Pool 11-53-5 1-3
25902 Deborah 100 23 C Mergler 50 15 6
25899 2 Mer. Twinklel05 3i» F Stevens 4 8-5 1-2
25908 Inez 104 43 C Gross 3-2
25899 Ambri 107 5 2 J McBride 15
25899 Two Oaks 107 6 2 J W Taylor 50
25899 Waxemall 107 7= W Ormes 20
24592 Yip-Hy-Ya 104 8 2 i HHPhilllps 50
25944 Suwannee 107 9'i H Thurber 40
25899 Dr.S.P.Tate 107 10 N Taylor 30
Time. 1:16. Track good.
Winner — -A. Neal’s b. m. 8, by Ossary — Rose of
China (trained by A. Neal).
Start good and slow. Won driving; second and
third the same. The winner was entered for $200;
no bid.
Overweights — Inez, 1 pound; Ambri, 2.
25997 Fifth Race— 7-8 Mile. Purse. $300. 3-year-
olds and upward. Selling. Net value to win-
ner $225; second, $50; third, $25.
Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Cl. PI. Sh.
25940 s Pr. Conrad 107 1“ E Pool 3J 1 1-2
( 25950 )Prosp. Son 106 2 2 J J Mason 8-5 3-5 7-20
25877 Mercurium 107 3 s W Taylor 5 2 4-5
25946 Swede Sam 111 4J WJO’Brien 12
25910 Bertha V. 109 5* J Collins 12
(25944)Dick Bens’nl07 6'J H Thurber 8
25881 Mandadero 107 7 2 J W Ormes 40
25903 Pr. Industryl05 8 O Gentry 12
Time. 1:29. Track good.
Winner — Reno Stable’s ch. g, 7, by Kismit, by
Melton— Kate Campbell (trained by J. C. Mayes).
Start good aud slow. Won driving; second and
third the same. The winner was entered for $200;
uo bid.
25998 Sixth Race— 7-8 Mile. Turse $300. 3-year-
olds and upward. Selling. Net value to win-
ner $225; second, $50; third, $25.
Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Cl. PI. Sh.
25906 2 Vesta 107 I s J E Pool 4 8-5 7-10
25941* High Street 102 2'J J Mason 9-5 7-102-5
25908 Cecil 111 3 2 C Gross 15 6 21
PRIDAY, MAY 12, 1916.
25846 ’Cordova 107 4h W Ormes 6
25906 Zangaree 103 5*' J Clancy 20
25940 Dr. D’herty 110 6= R Carter 15
25814 2 B. A. Jones 109 7= J Collins 6
254S2 Rey 111 8'1 WJO’Brien 6
25939 Ceos 111 9 CO'Mah’ey 25
Time. 1:30. Track good.
Winner — A. Neal’s to. f, 4, by Sir Uuon — Espanita
(trained by A. Neal).
Start good and slow. Won easily; second and
third driving. The winner was entered lor $200;
no bid.
Overweights — Rey, 4 pounds; Ceos. 4; Cordova, 2;
Zangaree, 3.
TUUANA. MEX., May 3, 1916.— Sixteenth day.
Lower California Jockey Club's Summer Meeting of
100 days. Weather clear.
Presiding Judge, C. H. Pettingill. Starter, Ed-
ward Tribe. Racing Secretary, Samuel J. McGibben.
25999 First Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse $300. 3-
year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to
winner $225; second, $50; third, $25.
Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Cl. PI. Sh.
25939 s Zenotek 109 I s W Ormes 13-57-101-3
25900 3 Dixie Mina 109 2'i J Collins 35 6-5 3-5
24603 3 Trulane
25874 Goggety
109 65 Donvitz 10
111 7 s WJO'Brien 30
25775 Decency 104 3 s J Mason 7 3 3-2
25947 G.W.Kisker 109 4® R Shilling 8
25724 T. Franks 111 6= J Longo 30
25906 Boas 111 6J J Groth 30
25941 Real Worth 111 7 3 E Pool 25
25945 Petit Bleu 107 8® H Cavan’h 30
24671 Dottle B. 109 9 H Thurber 30
Time, 1:09. Track good.
Winner — T. S. Fairbairn’s b. m, 6, by Peep o’Day
— Medica (trained by E. M. Phillips).
Start good and slow. Won easily; second and
third driving. The winner was entered for $200;
no bid.
26000 Second Race— 3-4 Mile. Purse $300. 3-
year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to
winner $225; second, $50; third, $25.
Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Cl. PI. Sh.
25949 El Mahdl 109 l«k J Clancy 8 8-5 3-5
25949 3 Scmpsilla 111 2=5 E Pool 1-2 1-4 out
<25775)Mary Emilyl06 3‘ W Ormes 7 2 7-10
25903 Milt. Roblee 111 45 J Groth 10
24590 = H. Hutch'son 111 5® J Mason 40
24323 Furlong 109 6=5 T Robbins 15
25900 Azurea 109 7* W Taylor 15
23428 Virginia S. 101 8 N Taylor 60
Time, 1:14%. Track good.
Winner — G. J. Miller’s ch. h, 5, by Voter — Cas-
sandra (trained by G. J. Miller).
Start good and slow. Won driving; second and
third the same. The winner was entered for $300;
no bid.
Overweights — Virginia S., 2 pounds; Mary
Emily, 2.
26001 Third Race— 3-4 Mile. Purse $300. 3-
year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to
winner $225; second, $50; third, $25.
Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Cl. PI. Sh.
25877 = Panhachapi 109 12 H Tullett 4 3-2 7-10
25949 Hyki 114 2>' W Taylor 10 3 8-5
25909 Gabrio 103 32 J Alt 55 2 1
25940 Bob Lynch 106 46 E Pool 15
25903 Quicn Sabe 107 5* A Venters 55
(25767 )Sp’g Valley 108 6® R Booker 12
( 25939 )Orimar Lad 101 7= N Taylor 2
25941 B. Prospect 107 8 J McBride 30
Time. 1:15%. Track good.
Winner — Tam O’Shauter Stable’s ch. m, 5, by Abe
Frank — Pnnquita (trained by J. W. Brynes).
Start good and slow. Won driving; second and
third the same. The winner was entered for $300;
no bid.
Overweights — Bad Prospect, 1 pound; Gabrio, 2;
Spring Valley, 1.
26002 Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. Coronado Handicap.
Purse $350. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value
to winner $275; second, $50; third, $25.
Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Cl. PI. Sh.
25882 *Grapeshot 105 1=5 N Taylor 6 2 4-5
25948 Sweetbait 107 23 H Cavan'h 8 3 7-5
25909 = Baby Cal 95 3® J Mason 6 2 7-10
25948 Adalid 105 4‘ E Pool 3
25942 = Executor 111 5= WJO’Brien 8-5
Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Cl. PI. Sh.
25882 *Grapeshot 105 1=5 N Taylor 6 2 4-5
25948 Sweetbait 107 23 H Cavan'h 8 3 7-5
25909 = Ba by Cal 95 3® J Mason 6 2 7-10
25948 Adalid 105 4‘ E Pool 3
25942 = Executor 111 5= WJO’Brien 8-5
24644 »T. Busybody 105 C 3 i A Venters 20
25909 Gano 106 7 C Gross 12
Time, 1:13% (new track record). Track good.
Winner— C. E. Stanfield’s ch. h, 7, by Bear-
catcher— Coming Event (trained by W. L. Stan-
Start good and slow. Won easily; second and
third driving.
Overweights — Adalid, 1 pound; Gano, 3; Executor,
1; Sweet Bait, 1.
26003 Fifth Race— 1 Mile. Purse $300. 3 -year-
olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner
$225; second, $50; third, $25.
Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Cl. PI. Sh.
(25943 )Diadi 108 Ink j Alt 35 6-5 3-5
25949 3 B. Johnson 109 2'5 F Stevens 11-51 1-2
25943 = Stanley S.
25907 ‘Engraver
110 3»k W Ormes 20 8
113 4=5 WJO’Brien 35
113 56 J McBride 7
25950 = Ch’ Mas Eve 106 63 J Clancy 7
25940 Ora McGee 108 7 3 O Gentry 15
25945 Ida Plnack 103 8 CWhitbeck 50
Time, 1:42%. Track good.
Winner — Ayennbe Stable’s b. g, 5, by Bowling
Green — Lady Ilotte (trained by G. W. Billermun).
Start good and slow. Won driving; second and
third the same. The winner was entered for $200;
no bid.
Overweights — Ida rinack, 1 pound.
26004 Sixth Race — 1 Mile. Purse $300. 3-year-
olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner
$225; second, $50; third, $25.
Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Cl. PI. Sh.
25910 H. Walbank 113 l'l H Tullett 1 1-2 out
25908 The Urchin 108 23 J Mason 18-56-5 3-5
25944 = C’mendation 110 33 J Longo 7 25 1
25944 *B. Posey 105 4' W Taylor 10
25904 T. Chapman 110 5'J H Thurber 15
25940 Tallow Dip 113 6'J J Frach 40
25818 The Monk 113 7” D Boland 15
25813 Bon. Buck 110 8 s WAnd’son 50
25818 Mollie Cad 111 9 McAdams 40
Time, 1:43%. Track good.
Winner — Tam O’Slianter Stable’s br. g, 8. by
Farandole— Lady Oalopin (trained by J. W. Byrnes).
Start good and slow'. Won easily; second and
third driving. The winner was entered for $200;
no bid.
Overweights— Blooming Posey, 1 pound.
TIJUANA, MEX., May 4, 1916. — Seventeenth day.
Lower California Jockey Club's Summer Meeting of
100 days. Weather clear.
Presiding Judge, C. H. Pettingill. Starter. Ed-
ward Tribe. Racing Secretary, Samuel J. McGibben.
26025 First Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse $300. 3-
year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to
winner $225; second, $50: third, $25.
Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Cl. PI. Sh.
25945 Our Leader 111 16 E Pool 3 1 1-2
25948 M. O’Brien 107 2* W Taylor 18-57-5 7-10
25426 Toastmaster 99 2J S McGraw 15 8 4
25945 Light Knightlll 43 .1 Groth 7
25405 K. of Pythiasl09 G5 C Thomas 8
25879 Sam Connor 106 63 N Taylor 30
25776 Frill . 102 7>5 J Clancy 10
25773 Viva 108 8= FFMurphy 12
25944 Lady Mint 109 9= R Shilling 30
25815 L. Pender 111 10= W J O’B’n 15
25995 Lindar 113 11 D Boland 8
25900 Breezer 109 Un.riderF S’nsSO
Time. 1:09. Track good.
Winner — M. W. Taylor's br. g, 7, by Bryn Mawr
— Rossa (trained by W. Higginbotham).
Start good and slow. Won driving: second and
third the same. The winner was entered for $200;
no bid.
Overweights — Lindar, 2 pounds; Viva, 1; Lady
Pender, 2.
25995 Twin Sister 102 85 Troise 100
24899 Effie May 107 9 6 W Taylor 50
25945 = Dr. Neufer 111 10= J Frach 8
25993 Wynema 112 11 CO’Mah’ey 100
Time, 1:08%. Track good.
Winner — A. Harrison’s eh. g, 5, by Voter — Harpis-
chord (trained by A. Harrison).
Start good and slow. Won cantering; second and
third driving.
Overweights — Goggety, 2 pounds; Wynema, 5;
Quiz, 4.
26028 Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. Purse $300. 3-year-
olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner
$225; second, $50; third, $25.
Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Cl. PI. Sh.
25998 »Cecil 108 13 C Gross’ 7 21 6-5
25431 3 01d Coin 113 21 D Boland 15 7 4
25907 Aug. Heinze 113 3 1 E Pool 8-5 7-101-3
25906 B redwell 113 4= W Taylor 7
25946 Staranise 94 56 J Mason 40
25939 = Sweetdale 113 6'J WMulligan 31
25900 Antrim 104 71 S McGraw 12
25907 Lady James 105 8= W Ormes 20
25908 3 Russ Sand 113 91 J McBride 10
25906 Lesbia 107 10= J Dawson 40
25940 C.M. Johnson 100 ll'IN Taylor 12
25773 B. Reach 98 12 HHPhil’ps 50
Time, 1:15%. Track good.
Winner — H. Foss’ br. g, 6, by Royal Flush III.
— Tarpeia II. (trained by J. W. Murphy).
Start good and slow. Won driving; second and
third the same. The winner was entered for $200;
no bid.
Overweights — Staranise, 1 pound; Lady James, 1;
Lesbia, 3.
26029 Fiftli Race — 7-8 Mile. Purse $350. 4-year-
oids and upward. Selling. Net value to winner
$275; second, $50; third, $25.
Ind. Horst'. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Cl. PI. Sh.
25942 J. Graham 111 l'l WJO’Brien 11-54-5 out
PIMLICO, MD., THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1916. — Tenth day. Maryland Jockey Club. Spring Meeting of 15
days. Weather clear.
Presiding Steward, Frank J. Bryan. Presiding Judge, E. C. Smith. Starter, A. B. Dade. Racing
Secretary, W. P. Riggs.
Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. (Chicago time 1:30 p. m.). W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Fig-
ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate index number, track record, age of horse
and weight carried. ‘Indicates apprentice allowance.
FIRST RACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. (2136—54—2—115.) Purse $600. 2-year-olds.
Selling. Net value to winner $450; second, $100; third, $50.
AWtPPSt % Vs % Str Fin Jockeys
Equiv. Odds Str’t
25951 = MANOKIN wb 113 8 2
25968 3 ‘LUCILE P. w 100 4 5
25968 CONOWINGO w 110 1 1
(25951 )GOLDEN BANTAM w 109 3 3
25982 CHEMUNG w 112 7 4
25968 2 • LOBELIA w 99 5 6
(25928)Q’N OF THE SEAwb 109 6 7
BUDDY w 114 2 8
21 1' l 4 1= E Tapi In H G Bedwell
7"> 7’° 5* 21 M And sonG E Chancellor
11 2= 2 3 3®* F Keogh G Phillips
3 3 3»6 4 l 46 M Buxton G L Goodacre
6 1 6 1 3 l 5 3 A Schu’g’rH McDonald
46 51 7 13 61 C KummerS McNaughton
5>1 46 6*1 7*= J McTag’rtW Stockton
8 8 8 8 J Connors Mirasol Stable
^ Time, 23%, 48%, 65%. Track fast.
$2 mutuels paid, Manokin, $6.50 straight, $4.10 place, $3.00 show; Lucile P., $12.40 place, $6.80
show; Conowingo, $5.70 show.
Equivalent booking odds— Manokin, 225 to 100 straight, 105 to 100 place, 50 to 100 show; Lucile P.,
520 to 100 place, 240 to 100 show; Conowingo, 185 to 100 show.
Winner — B. c, by Rapid Water — Little Buttercup (trained by H. G. Bedwell).
Went to post at 2:29. At post 5 minutes. Start fair and slow. Won easily; second and third driv-
ing. MANOKIN, off forwardly, shook off his opponents while rounding the far turn and, taking a long
lead, was eased up at the end. LUCILE P., as usual, began slowly, but closed a big gap and finished
with a rush. CONOWINGO set a fast early pace and tired badly in the last eighth. GOLDEN BAN-
TAM raced gamely and finished close up. CHEMUNG closed a gap. QUEEN OF THE SEA quit. The
winner was entered for $1,500; no bid.
Overweights — Manokin, 1 pound; Lucile P., 1; Conowingo, 1.
26001 ’Gabrio
(25734 )Singletoe
111 2 1 W Ormes 3-2 3-5 1-3
109 3*° J Mason 55 8-5 3-5
102 4= J Alt 51
109 5=° A Venters 6
SECOND RACE — 2 Miles. (8114 — 3:49% — 8 — 149.) Potomac Steeplechase. Purse
$700. 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner $475; second,
$125; third, $70; fourth, $30.
25882 M. Sherwoodl04 6 H Griffiths 100
Time, 1:27%. Track good.
Winner — Daniels & Hodge's br. g, 9, by Fake or
Modred — Leenja (trained by C. B. Daniels).
Start good and slow. Won easily; second and
third driving. The winner was entered for $500;
no bid.
26030 Sixth Race — 1 Mile. Purse $300. 3-year-
olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner
$225; second, $50; third. $25.
Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Cl. PI. Sh.
25910=Goldy 113 l'l R Shilling 35 1 2-5
AWtPPSt 4 8 12 13 Fin
Eqniv. Odds Str’t
25952 CACTUS BUD w 8 149 2 6 1= 15 1* l 5 l 5 J Ryan Glen Riddle Farm
(23957 )EMERALD GEM ws 5 142 5 2 2> 3 2 13 2 3 ® 2 30 2 3 ® W Allen R Parr
25912 = MAYBUD II. w 5 144 6 7 3 1 45 4= 5= 3> C Corbett Glen Riddle Farm
w 4 !36 4 3 4* 35 6 3 3’ 4=
25912 = MAYBUD II. w 5 144 6 7 3 1 45
25886 STONEWOOD w 4 136 4 3 4» 35 5 3 3' 4= B Haynes E Woods 1000-100
23813 INDIAN ARROW w 5 144 3 5 6® 6 3 6 6 5 l J Smith W F Presgrave 2280-100
25926 ABERFELDY w 5 144 1 4 6= 5»® 3® 4= 6 C Koemer W Cordes 3600-100
25826 GOLDEN VALE w 6 149 7 8 8 7 Lost rider.J Rowan E Stackhouse 4325-100
25966 3 RUSILA w 4 134 8 1 7'® Fell. A Lee Mrs J E Davis 605-100
tCoupled in betting. Time, 4:01. Track fast.
$2 mutuels paid. Glen Riddle Farm entry, $11.30 straight, $3.10 place, $3.80 show; EmefaM'Gem,
$3.00 place, $2.90 show.
Equivalent booking odds — Glen Riddle Farm entry, 465 to 100 straight, 55 to 100 place, 90 to 100
show; Emerald Gem. 50 to 100 place. 45 to 100 show.
Winner — Ch. g, by Cactus II. — Luff (trained by J. F. Yarnell).
Went to post at 2:57. At post 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driv-
ing. CACTUS BUD outjumped and outran the others all the way and was going away at the finish.
EMERALD GEM was in closest pursuit all the way. but tired in the last quarter. MAYBUD II. out-
stayed STONEWOOD in the final drive. GOLDEN VALE lost his rider at the twelfth jump and KUSILA
fell at the seventh.
25816 Veldt 94 2- J Mason 35 6-5 3-5
( 2562©)Consoler 115 3"k E Pool 3 6-5 3-5
25949 C.W. Hodges 113 4= H Thurber 20
26003 Stanley S. 113 56 WJO’Brien 6
25997 3 Prosp. Son 112 6 N Taylor 25
Time, 1:41% (equals track record). Track good.
Winner — J. M. Shilling’s ch. g, 6, by Nasturtium
— Gold Lady (trained by J. M. Shilling).
Start good and slow. Won easily; second and
third driving. The winner was entered for $300;
no bid.
Overweights — Veldt, 1 pound.
TIJUANA, MEX., May 5, 1916. — Eighteenth day.
Lower California Jockey Club’s Summer Meeting of
100 days. Weather clear.
Presiding Judge, C. H. Pettingill. Starter. Ed-
ward Tribe. Racing Secretary, Samuel J. McGibben.
26031 First Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse $300. 3-
year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to
winner $225; second. $50; third, $25.
Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Cl. PI. Sh.
23848 Solon 111 1* S McGraw 12 6 3
25996 3 Mer. TwinklelO? 2=5 F Stevens 16-51 1-2
25993 = Thirty Seven 92 3 3 HHPhil’ps 9-5 4-5 1-3
25993 Mar.Rose II. 105 4®6 W Taylor 8
25993 Shadow 99 5= C Basquil 20
25995 Zetetic 105 6 1 A Venters 10
25949 Famosa 96 7 s JMcDow’ll 55
25993 Margu’te W. Ill 85 R Estep 50
Agate 116 9= M M’thews 60
19546 Edna H. 109 10* WAnders’n 60
25995 The M. D’terl05 11 CWhitbeck 100
Time, 1:08%. Track good.
Winner — J. Hnmhreeht’s ch. g, 4, by Solitaire II.
— Georgia VI. (trained by J. Humbrecht).
Start good and slow. Won easily; second and
third driving. The winner was entered for $300;
no bid.
Overweights — Marguerite W., 2 pounds; Shadow,
3; Famosa, 1.
26032 Second Race — 3-4 Mile. Purse $300. 3-
year-olds and upward. Net value to winner
$225; second, $50; third, $25.
Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Cl. PI. Sh.
25394 =Circulate 93 ink J Mason 8 3 8-5
25947 =She’ll Do 96 2nk O Gentry 2 7-101-3
25875 Jose 101 3= E Pool 45 2 7-10
( 25899 )Classy Curl 102 46 HHPhil’ps 8
26001 Sp’g Valley 112 5'J R Booker 25
25776 Vignola 107 6> JMcDow’l 30
25875 Handy Andy 101 7'5 S McGraw 10
26028 Belle Reach 100 8 H Thurber 150
(25370) Vise 114 Left.EMcC’wn 20
Time, 1:15%. Track good.
Winner — B. Mndding’s ch. g. 3, by Hunbridge —
Heluia S. (trained by E. I*. O’Meara).
Start good and slow. Won driving; second and
third the same. The winner was entered for $200;
no bid.
Overweights — Jose, 4 pounds; Viso, 3; Belle
Reach, 4.
26033 Third Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse $300. 3-
year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to
winner $225; second. $50; third, $25.
Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Cl. PI. Sh.
(25940) The Feller 111 16 H Thurber 16-51 2-5
25425 Char. Ward 103 2J J Alt 10 4 2
(25947) Magic 112 3 3 5 E Pool 2 4-5 1-3
(24594 )Cal Cum 112 4® WJO’Brien 25
(25901)Stell. Grainel04 5J J Mason 3
25998 B. A. Jones 106 6‘5 W Ormes 12
25945 3 Oxer 114 7 R Estep 12
23195 Von I.ady 97Th.rid.SMcGr'w 100
Time, 1:08%. Track good.
Winner— F. Rinehart’s b. g, 7, by The Major —
Rubiana (trained by F. Rinehart).
Start good and slow. Won driving; second and
third the same. The winner was entered for $200;
no hid.
Overweights — Cal Cum, 1; Charity Ward, 1; B. A.
Jones 1.
26034 Fourth Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse $300. 3-
year-olds and upward. Selling. Net vulue to
winner $225; second, $50: third, $25.
Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Cl. PI. Sh.
( 25946 )Oakland 111 l«k WJO’Brien 4 S-5 7-10
25949 Little Jake 107 2' W Ormes 2* 1 3-5
25900 = Unc. J. Grayll4 3® E Pool 4 2 7-10
25940 = Finnigin 106 46 j Clancy 41.
25884 Clara W. 109 5'1 J McBride 25
1 7060 3 J. D. Wakef ’ d 106 6= H Griffiths 100
26001 Orimar Lad 106 7' N Taylor 7
25449 = Dusky Dave 113 8=1 D Boland 20
25881 Little Blues 95 9‘ J Mason 20
22375 M. Canom’n 104 10 CWhitbeck 100
Time. 1:08%. Track good.
Winner— R. Ripley’s blk. g, 7, by Bearcatelicr —
La vena C. (trained by R. Itipley).
Start good and slow. Won driving; second and
third the same. The winner was entered for $200;
no bid.
Overweights — Dusky Dave, 2 pounds.
26035 Fifth Race— 7-8 Mile. Purse $300. 3-year-
olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner
$225; second, §50; third. $25.
26026 Second Race— 1-2 Mile. Purse $300. 2-
year-olds. Maidens. Selling. Net value to win-
ner $225; second, $50; third, $25.
Ind. Horse.
Wt. Fin. Jockey. Cl. Pi. Sh.
25873 Old Harry 112 1' E Pool 2 7-101-3
25905 Persevere 112 2“k A Venters 8 3 8-5
25177 Pi eg Again 112 3'5 S Smith 50 20 10
25905 L. Leona 107 46 J Alt 20
25905 Thirst 112 5=1 C Basquil 16-5
25905 Taffy IK K'i N Taylor 8
25748 Phil Epstein 110 7= .1 Clancy 60
25905 Hester H. 112 S‘l WMulligan 34
25880 Lucklita 112 9=1 R Carter 12
Ella B. 112 10 F Stevens 50
Time, 50. Track good.
Winner — B. A. Jones’ b. g, by Harrigun — Zella
Knight (trained by B. A. Jones).
Start good and slow. Won handily; second and
third driving. The winner was entered for $300;
no bid.
26027 Third Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Pnrse $300. 3-
year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to
winner $225; second. $50; third, $25.
Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Cl. PI. Sh.
25946 Forum 111 1 J J McIntyre 8-5 9-101-2
25941 = Miss Fielder 107 2’1 E Pool 3 1 1-2
25884 Delaney 111 3=1 R Carter 6 2 1
25947 Dr. Charcot 111 4 ! i W Ormes 8
85884 Quiz 101 56 C Basquil 100
Index Horses
THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. (95722—1:12—6—124.) Purse $600. 3-year-olds and up-
ward. Maidens. Selling. Net value to winner $450; second, $100; third, $50.
21933 GAMMON
25862 = WIZARD
AWtPPSt % Vs % Str Fin Jockeys Owners
w 3 93 5 3 l'l l'l l 3 l 3 L Lyke J J Flannigan
w 4 112 2 2 3= 3' 3= 2' J Metcalf E F Whitney
wb 3 92 1 1 2' 2° 2 4 3 nt R C WattsJ F Cleaver
w 3 102 3 8 6® 4"k 4' 4= J McTag’rtR T Wilson
w 3 104 6 9 9 7= 7® 54 F Robins’nW L Oliver
wb 3 101 4 7 7' 6'1 6= 66 W McK’zieJ Farrell Jr
w 3 102 8 6 46 5' 1 54 7 s R Ball Quincy Stable
w 4 107 7 5 81 8= 8* 8* M Buxton W Lauder
w 4 112 9 4 51 9 9 9 A Schu’g’rW L Maupin
Equiv. Odds Str’t
Time, 23%, 48%, 1:15%. Track fast.
$2 mutuels paid. Safe Home, $26.90 straight, $15.20 place, $7.10 show; Gammon, $17.30 place,
$8.90 show: Edith Olga, $9.00 show.
Equivalent booking odds — Safe Home, 1245 to 100 straight, 660 to 100 place, 255 to 100 show;
Gammon, 765 to 100 place, 345 to 100 show; Edith Olga, 350 to 100 show.
Winner — B. f, by Hilarious — Itosetinge (trained by J. Flannigan).
Went to post at 3:35. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and
third driving. SAFE HOME rushed to the front at the start and, setting a fast pace, was under
restraint at the end. GAMMON raced forwardly and outguined the tiring EDITH OLGA for second
place. The latter was much used in following the winner and tired. WIZARD was cut off while
rounding the far turn and again when attempting to get through on the inside. BILLY OLIVER
closed a gap. The winner was entered for $500; no bid.
Scratched — 25664=Aldonns, 112.
Overweights — Safe Home. 1 pound; Billy Oliver, 2; Pikeland, 4.
9DA A /"V FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. (92432— 1:42%— 5— 111.) Purse $600. 3-year-
^ U olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner $450; second, $100; third, $50.
Index Horses
AWtPPSt % Vs % Str Fin Jockeys Owners
Equiv. Odds Str’t
25850 = * MARY WARREN w 5 107 4 6 4' 36 4= 4 3 16 I, Lyke J McPherson 280-100
25979 MAIFOIT wb 3 97 5 7 56 4i 3= l'l 2- J McCaheyF A Herold 380-100
25953* MR. MACK wsb 5 112 6 4 2= 2= 1' 2- 36 R Ball L A Capps 445-100
25985*MISS WATERS w 5 107 2 3 16 16 26 3* 4' J Cruise F J Pons 805-100
2 5985 ‘NANNIE McDEE wb 7 107 1 1 7 7 7 6'J 5»® W Sch’orn C N Freeman 1290-100
26015= ‘NAPIER ws 7 112 7 2 6= 6 3 56 5 3 6' M M’ntainI M Hedrick 475-100
25930‘SATURNUS wsb 4 112 3 5 3= 5® 6= 7 7 M And’sonJ Sterling 2030-100
Time, 24%, 49%, 1:16%, 1:43%, 1:48%. Track fast.
$2 mutuels paid. Mary Warren, $7.60 straight, $4.20 place, $3.10 show; Maifou, $6.40 place, $4.60
show; Mr. Mack. $3.30 show.
Equivalent booking odds — Mary Warren. 280 to 100 straight. 110 to 100 place, 55 to 100 show; Mai-
fou, 220 to 100 place, 130 to 100 show; Mr. Mack. 65 to 100 show.
Winner — B. m. b.v Charles Edward — Pintsch Light (trained by F. Garrett).
Went to post at 4:05. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the
same. MARY WAKKEN reared up when the barrier was sprung and dropped back, but gained steadily
afterwards and, finishing gamely, won in the last stride. MAIFOU tired after passing MR. MACK and
taking the lead at the eighth post. The latter was much used in racing MISS WATERS into defeat and
tired. MISS WATERS set a good early pace, hut failed to stay. MARY' WAKKEN ran away two miles
after the race. The winner was entered for $400; no bid.
Scratched— 25931 Carlton G., 112; 25927 Marshon, 117.
Index Horses
FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile. (92602—1:39—3—112.) $600 Added. 3-year-olds and up-
ward. Claiming Handicap. All starters in this race, including the winner, may
be claimed for $600. Net value to winner $450; second, $100; third, $75.
AWtPPSt % Vs % Str Fin Jockeys
Equiv. Odds Str’t
w 6 108 1 1 5' 3* 3= 2= 1' J McTag’rtL W Garth
wb 5 96 7 7 2= 2 3 16 15 2 3 J McCaheyl M Hedrick
w 6 114 6 4 4* 4* 4 3 4= 35 F Keogh J O Talbott
wb 3 99 4 6 7 7 6" 6'® 4' L Lyke J C Fletcher
26017 COUNTERPART wb 6 105 2 5 6= 6* 5= 5= 5' M And’sonH Moore
(25027 )RE\' OAKWOOD wb 4 95 5 3 1® 15 2= 3‘ 6 13 L McAtee A G Blakeley
23208 CORN BROOM 5 103 3 2 3= 56 7 7 7 W Collins J K L Ross
25955 2 LIN BROOK w 6 108 1 1 5» 3 1 3= 2- l 1 J McTag’rtL W Garth 295-100
26016 NASH wb 5 96 7 7 2= 2 3 16 15 2 3 J McCaheyl M Hedrick 2205-100
26015 MONOCACY w 6 114 6 4 4' 4* 4 3 4= 35 F Keogh J O Talbott 185-100
25957 APRIRA wb 3 99 4 6 7 7 6® 6 1 ® 4* L Lyke J C Fletcher 555-100
26017 COUNTERPART wb 6 105 2 5 6= 6* 5= 5= 5' M And’sonH Moore 1040-100
( 2502 7) REY' OAKWOOD wb 4 95 5 3 16 15 2= 3* 6 13 L McAtee A G Blakeley 530-100
23208 CORN BROOM 5 103 3 2 3= 56 7 7 7 W Collins J K L Ross 6915-100
Time. 24%, 49%, 1:15%, 1:42%. Track fast.
$2 mutuels paid. Linbrook, S7.90 straight, $4.00 place, $3.00 show; Nash, $14.80 place, $6.30 show;
Monoeacy, $3.10 show. . .
Equivalent hooking odds — Linhrook, 295 to 100 straight, 100 to 100 place, uO to 100 show; Nash, 640
to 100 place, 215 to 100 show; Monoeacy, 55 to 100 show.
Winner — B. in, by Bowling Brook — Nil Desperandum (trained by W. Garth). .......
Went to post at 4:40. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driv-
ing. LINBROOK was cut off while going to the first turn, but worked his way up on the far turn and
easily passed NASH in the last eighth. NASH raced REY OAKWOOI) into defeat in the first three-
quarters and took a good lead, but gave way when the winner challenged. MONOCACY raced promi-
nently. but tired in the homestretch. REY OAKWOOD quit after setting a good pace for the first half.
APR ISA closed a gap in the last quarter.
Scratched— 23661= Bobby Boyer, 110; 25891=Luther, 115; 26040'Maifou, 93.
Overweights — Nash, 1 pound.
Index Horses
SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. (92498— 1 :4G— 3— 120.) $600 Added. 3-year-old’s and
upward. Selling. Net value to winner $475; second, $100; third, $50.
AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners
w 4 107 8 5 26 26 2= 2® 16 R Ball M Daly
wb 5 109 2 2 1'5 1' 15 1= 2® M And’sonE T Zollicoffer
25970 = * HARRY LAUD’R wit 6 109 1 1 65 7* 6' 4' 3® W Sch'ornJ F Sweeney
2 60 1 5 * GOOD WOO D
25979*RAY O’ LIGHT
ws 4 113 7 7 7* 6' 45 5= 4'5 E Taplin I M Hedrick
w 4 107 5 6 3 4 3® 3= 3* 5"“ J Cruise E T Rickett
w 3 109 6 4 46 4 * 5* 6= 6' G Alex’draH Morgan
25985* ‘MENLO PARK WB 4 102 3 8 8 8 7 ' 7 5 7 s M M’ntainJ MacManus
25955 CHEVRON w 4 112 4 3 5® 5= 8 8 8 W Ward H G Bedwell 7910-100
Time. 23%. 48%. 1:14%, 1:41%, 1:49. Track fast.
$2 mutuels paid. Jem, $4.60 straight, $3.60 place, $3.10 show; Broomsedge, $7.70 place, $4.40 show;
Harry Lauder. $2.80 show.
Equivalent booking odds — Jem, 130 to 100 straight. 80 to 100 place, oo to 100 show; Broomsedge, 283
to 100 place, 120 to 100 show; Harry Lauder, 40 to 100 show.
Winner — Ch. g, by Ogden — Fair Catherine (trained by M. Daly).
W'ent to post at 5:0S. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the
same JEM raced in closest pursuit of the pacemaker from the start and. responding well to urging in
the final drive ontgamed him in a close finish. BROOMSEDGE set a fast early pace and only suc-
cumbed right at the end. HARRY LAUDER closed a gap and finished witli a belated rush. GOOD-
WOOD raced well to the Inst eighth. The winner, entered for $700, was bid up to $1,203 and bought in.
Scratched — 25890= Juliet. 107; 25927 Marshon, 114.
Overweights — Tamerlane, 1 pound.
Equiv. Odds Str’t
Ind. Horse.
26001 = Hyki
Wt. Fin. Jockey. Cl. PI. Sh.
115 l'l W Taylor 3 1 1-2
26030 Prosp. Son 107 2=5 J Mason 5 2 1
25875 = Infidel II. 102 3*5 J McBride 5 2 1
259 10 3 Ben Levy 112 46 Donvitz 4
(25910) Error 115 5 3 5 R Booker 45
25824 D. of Shelbyl08 6'5 H Hanmer 15
26000 Furlong 111 7=5 W Ormes 6
26025 S. Connor 103 8 N Taylor '20
Time, 1:28%. Track good.
Winner — California Stable’s ch. li, 5, by Dr. Lcggo
— Xorrine (trained by L. F. O’Leary I .
Start good and slow. Won easily; second and
third driving. The winner was entered for $300;
no hi«l.
Overweights — Infidel, 4 pounds.
26036 Sixth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. Purse $3U0. 3-
year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to
winner $225; second. $50; third, $25.
Ind. Horse. 'Wt. Fin. Jockey. Cl. PI. Sh.
(25998)Vesta 104 l'l J Mason 6 2 1
26003*Canto 110 2J WJO’Brien 10 4 8-5
( 25997 )Pr. Conrad 115 3 4 E Pool 11-101-21-4
000 4 Q SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. (92432— 1:42%— 3— 111.) Purse $600. 3-year-
It-M olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner $430; second, $100; third, $50.
Index Horses
25890 ’JULIET w 4 112 9 3 2' 2'5 2 4 2 4 2® J McCahcyJ W McClelland 190-100
25887 BABY SISTER w 5 112 2 7 9 75 3= 36 r Troxler E K Bryson 405-100
25850*SHEPHKRDDSS wb 5 107 6 8 8= 9 7= 6 1 45 M And’sonA J Karr 1945-100
25957 ’TASK wb 4 107 3 5 3® 35 3= 5= 5= E Foreh’d J Farrell Jr 5625-100
25979 LOC1IIEL wb 8 117 1 4 7' 8® 8* 8'® 6= E Taplin H G Bedwell 825-100
25789‘VALAS w 4 112 7 2 4= 45 5® 4“® 75 R Ball E Fred 620-100
25967 ‘GLOMER w 3 97 5 6 5® 5 s 6' 7* 8‘ 5 C KummerE T Rickett 1805-100
25831 ‘GAINSBOROUGH w 4 112 8 9 65 606 9 9 9 M M’ntainJ Cohen 1465-100
Time. 24%. 49, 1:15%. 1:42%. 1:47%. Track fast.
$2 mutuels paid. Devil Fish, $23.50 straight, $12.00 place, $6.20 show; Juliet, $4.10 place, $2.90
show; Baby Sister. $3.10 show.
Equivalent booking odds — Devil Fish. 1075 to 100 straight, 500 to 100 place, 210 to 100 show; Juliet.
105 to 100 place. 45 to 100 show; Baby Sister. 55 to 100 show.
Winner — Br. e, by Robert Le Di'ible — Water Nymph (trained by J. Flannigan).
Went to nost at 5:42. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the
same DEVIL FISH took the lead at once and. with his rider nursing him along in front until in the
last quarter hung on gamely under punishment, but barely managed to win. JULIET forced the pace
and finished’ gradually wearing the winner down. BABY ijlSTEK closed a big gap, but tired and Just
outstayed SHEPHERDESS for third place. The latter also made up much ground. TASK and VALAS
quit. The winner was entered for $400; no bid.
AWtPPSt % Vs % Str Fin Jockeys Owners
wb 4 117 4 1 1® 1' 1»6 15 1® F Keogh E Herz
Equiv. Odds Str’t
w 4 112 9 3
w 5 112 2 7
25943 Marcus 110 4= W Ormes 35
25950 3 Barnard 110 5= R Booker 4
25996 3 Deborah 103 6 8 N Taylor 15
26004 Bloom. Poseyl04 7'5 W Taylor 12
26004 The Monk 115 8 D Boland 25
Time, 1:49 (equals track record). Track good.
Winner — A. Neal’s b. f, 4, by Sir Huon — Espanita
(trained by A. Neal).
Start good and ‘slow. Won easily; second and
third driving. The winner was entered for $200;
no bid.
Overweights — Blooming Posey, 1 pound; Canto, 1.
FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1916.
Pimlico Citrles ail Past Performances for Frllay, May 12.
The figures under the heading “Rec.” in the
entries below show the best time of each horse
at the distance, since Januaiy 1, 1911, no matter
where it finished. In cases where record was
made on other than a fast or good track, abbre-
viations show track conditions. <
Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. (Chicago time, 1:30.)
X Runs well in mnd. ©Superior mud runner.
(Mi maidens. ‘Apprentice allowance.
First Race — 5-fi Mile.
2-year-olds. Allowances.
(Track record: 81300— 1 :(M)%— 3— 110.)
Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han.
Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile.
3-year-olds and upward. Selling Haudicap.
(Track record: 95722 — 1:12 — 6 — 124.)
Ind. Horse.
25917 Jim Basey .
25954’ Buzz Around
259S1* Kenrock ....
25907 2 llr. Grenier .
25984 Thesieres ...
25953 Galeswinthe
25955 Bendel
Wt. Rec.
113 1 :13%
103 1:11%
95 1:13%
93 1:14%
97 1:15%
110 1:13%
105 1:14%
109 1:13%
0 106X725
8 990715
5 109X715
RACONTEUSE, blk. f. 3 103
26013 Pimlico 1 l:42%fast 49-10 111 3
25929 Pimlico 3-4 1:16 slow 50 106 8
25847 Pimlico 3-4 1 :13%fast 71 led 8
22914 Belmont 5} f st l:05%fast 1 112 3
22821 Belmont 3-4 st 1 :09 fast 13 109 2
22708 Belmont 5J f st 1 :06%fast 8 109 4
22627 Belmont 51 f st 1 :05%fast 7 109 5
, CURRAGHALEEN, b. g. 3 108
r, 25847 Pimlico 3-4 l:13%fast 900 106 7
5 26747 H.deG’ce 51 f l:07%fast 22-5 103 8
Horse. Wt. Rec.
Ophelia W
Fox Trot (M) ....
105 X 720
108. .715
Meddling Miss . . .
Crunk (M)
108.. 710
Comrade (M) ....
108.. 700
Freshet, br. f, by
Rapid Water —
Swell Girl
>4023 Daingerfield 97 1:15% 7 100
25830 Shrapnel 104 1:15 3 101
Lohengrin only needs to repeat his last race.
Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile.
Woodberry Handicap.
3-year-olds and upward.
(Track record: 95722—1:12—6—124.)
br. f. 3
By Giganteum-
25862 Pimlico
3-4 1:16 fast
G 4 L
25785 H.deG’ce
55 f 1 :10%hvy
6” L
25742 H.deG’ce
55 f l:07%fast
8'* h
25721 H.deG’ce
3-4 l:15%fast
9 s
7“J L
26701 H.deG’ce
64 f J :09%fast
9 12 L
3 101 5 705 25679 Bowie
A 101 x too 25665 Bowie
; race. 2 3812 Pimlico
23350 H.deG’ce
3-4 1:16 slop fid 90 8
61 f 1:08 fast 523 102 8
51 f l:08%fast fid 112 8
51 f l:06%fast 60 104 13
22963 Belmont 5} f st 1:06 fast 40
OLD SCOUT, ch. c 3
By Ellisdale— Anecdote (W. M. Carter).
3 3 3 l 3" E Haynes 6 Marjauau, Greetings. C.Gutcliiis
8 7 5* 5' 1 E Haynes S Achievement, C'landiia. Bernice
7 7 9 9'* 10 Forth' >1 9 T.o'tli’Morning. P.llcnry, Anita
2 2 2 2 2* C Turner 7 11 ansa. Landslide. Plniutill
2 2 2 2 2* C Turner 7 Adroit, Sen Beach, Trurapator
6 5 71 8"1M Buxton 14 In. Chant, SeaBeach, Trnmpator
2 3 2»t 3*1 M Buxton 7 Vermont, Dovedale. W’rcressIL
By Ormondale — Ophirdale (J. MacManus).
8 8 8* 7 11 E Haynes 9 T.o’th’Morning, P.Henry, Anita
8 8 9* 9 14 E Haynes 10 Sea Beach, Kenard, EddieHenry
By Giganteum — Indian Lass (W. Mulligan).
8 9 7‘ 6* L I.yke 9 La Bete Noire, Wizard. Tze-Lsi
8 8 7® 6" L Lyke 8 T.M’rader, ll'liation. L.Fortune
8 9 9 8'® It Lyke 9 Outlook. Marianao. Water Lily
7 10 9 2 7“J L Lyke 10 Piquette, Trend, Billy Oliver
8 10 10 9 1 2 L Lyke 11 Murj. A., P. Lynn, Deduction
9 8 9 9 24 R C Watts 9 Betweeu Us, Ancon, Water Lily
8 8 8 8 14 E Graves 8 Garnet, Greetings, R. Strickland
9 9 12 4 12 14 F Robins’nl5 Black Coffee, Wizard, Celtabel
12 11 ll 1 9 7 i P lewder 13 Sandel, Ilandfull, Bobolink
6 6 6 6 21 H Cavnn'h 6 Benjamin, Malfou, SouthernStar
(25969) Rhine Maiden
104 \ u1.11 suuux, cn, c a iuo
« ~q- 25983 Pimlico 7-8 l:28%fast 40 112 3 4 4
4 109 X 730 Newbury (Eng.) 5-8 l:06%fast 10 126
4 102 X 730 BRYN CHANT, ch. c, 3
3 106X725 25890 Pimlico 1-1:41
Ophelia W. is rounding to form again.
Second Race — 2 Miles.
Emerson Steeplechase.
4-year-olds and upward. Allowances.
(Track record: 8114 — 3:49% — 8 — 149.)
25886 Jack Winston (M). 4 140X700
(26012) Elect 5 152.. 695
250 SO Superhuman (M).. 4 140 X 695
25915 s Darbishire (M) .. 5 147.. 695
(25912) Falmouth 4 145.. 690
25SS6'* Antiseptic <M) ... 4 138.. 690
25846 White Metal (M). 4 140X«»0
25956 2 Corsican 107 1:12% 4 100X725 25849 Pimlico 3-4 1:14 ”f
25971 Holiday 102 1:13% 5 105 X 720 23888 Pimlico 3-4 1:13 f
23578 Runes 1(M 1:13 4 105X720 23874 Pimlico 3-4 l:15%f;
25984 Socony 97 1:14 3 90.. 710 23852 Pimlico 3-4 1:14 f;
23241 Kama 108 1:17% 3 93.. 690 23812 Pimlico 6| f l:06%f
tH. G. Bedwell entry. ______ _
Kewessa is in fine fettle this spring. 2149^ “uedurt 5-8 1:0 9 ’
Sixth Race — 1 Mile.
Country Club Selling Handicap. * lrst atarl 70r foll °
3-year-olds and upward. RAKEOFF, ch. c, 3
(Track record : 92602 — 1:39—3 — 112.) __ _ , „
25970® Yodeling 85 l:40%s 5 106 x 725 BEAU OF MENLO, b. c, 3
ch. c, 3 108
l-l:41%fast 123 100 4 5 5
3-4 1:14 fast 152 101 9 9
3-4 1:13 fast 346 112 4 9
3-4 l:l5%fast fid 112 S 10
3-4 1:14 fast fid 112 11 11
61 f l:08%fast 14 115 7 13
By Chaucer — Kalydor (Glen Riddle Farm).
4 l 4 22 C Gordon 5 Anita. Damrosch, Phil Unj
9 D McKen’alS Aquatint, Decorum, Somali
By Bryn Mawr — Chantilla (J. E. Davis),
GOLDEN HOURS, ch. g, 3
21491 Aqueduct 5-8 1:02 good 20
First start for the following:
RAKEOFF, ch. c, 3
5 5 6 6 24 J Dreyer 6 Sandman II., Celtabel, Juliet
9 10 10 s 10‘* .1 Dreyer 11 W.Lily, T.M’querader, K. Worth
y 7 71 7 2S R Troxler 9 Delaneey, Churchill, Celtabel
10 11 71 6*J R Troxler 16 Golden Gate, MollyO., F. Nought
11 11 10 1 9 IS R Troxler 14 Polroma, Virginia M., Dorcas
13 11 10J ll 1 * R Troxler 15 Black Coffee, Wizard, Celtabel
By Plaudit — Queen Regent (Quincy Stable).
6 7 7 7 2 * C B’game 7 Achievement, L. R. Vale, RaeB.
By Roehampton — Yodler (F. C. Frisbie).
By Ossary — Belle of Palo Alto (E. J. Albright).
25860 Miss Oxford (M).. 6 145.
A mediocre lot of jumpers.
Third Race — 7-8 Mile.
3-year-olds. Maidens. Special Weights.
(Track record: 95587 — 1:26 — 3 — 109.)
25984 s Brave Cunarder ...106 1:39%
25854 s Buzz Around 100 1:39%
4 140 X 090 I (25970) Gloaming 108 1:41%
* nux >«u| (25H#1) Black Pine 97 1:41%
(25891) Black Pine
25890 2
108.. 700
E<1 Bond
108. .095
103. .095
108. .090
In and Out
103. .085
Old Si-ou t 112 1:32
108. .080
Bryn Chant
108. .080
Golden Hours ....
Bakeoff, eh. c, by
108. .075
>5931) Dinah Do Ill 1:40% 4 11(
55680* Republican 109 1:37% 7 IK
55984 Jesse Jr 106 1:40% 4 KX
55970 Illuminator 112 1:43 3 1(K
55971 Christoph ine 102 1:36% 5 9<
>5954 Wodan 104 1:42 % 4 91
Yodeling should be ready to run a good race
Seventh Race— 3-4 Mile.
Woodberry Handicap (second division.)
3-year-olds and upward.
(Track record: 95722—1:12—6—124.)
5 115X720
5 107X720
4 108X720
0 104. .720
4 110X715
7 1130715
4 100X710
FOURTH RACE — 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling Handicap. (95722 — 1:12 — 6 — 124.)
By Goldcrest — Legend (F. Musante),
5 1 2 2 A Schu'g’rll C. Haven. L. London, Pontefract
It o e li a mpton —
Beau of Menlo, b.
c, by Ossary —
Belle of Palo
25971 2
..108 1:12%
Fair Helen
. .llM 1:13
Water I^idy . . . .
..105 1:11%
..100 1:12%
..103 1:13
0 104 X 720
Tom Elward . . . .
..101 1:13%
. .103 1 :10%s
3 104X715
Robert Bradley .
. .100 1:12%
0 100X710
Bonnie Teas . . . .
..1(H) 1:15%
100. .700
Celtabel’s only race this year was promising.
Flittergold’s recent form is best.
The small figure under “Str.” shows the distance the horse was ahead of that next in the race.
The small figure under "Fin.” — unless the horse won — shows the number of lengths the horse was
the winner. Weight to he carried appears at top of column of weights in previous reoes.
FIRST RACE — 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Allowances. (81366 — 1:00% — 3 — 110.)
25709 H.deG’ce
24782 N.Orl’ns
24750 N.Orl’ns
24649 N.Orl’ns
24021 Bowie 3
25713 H.deG’ce
25677 Bowie
24816 N.Orl’ns
24748 N.Orl’ns
24607 N.Orl’ns
24472 N.Orl’ns
24410 N.Orl’ns
23980 Bowie
23934 Bowie
23867 Pimlico
23856 Pimlico
23795 Laurel
23678 Laurel
23609 Laurel
index Course
Dlst TlmeT’ckOdda Wt 8t
br. f.
25982 Pimlico
4i f
109 10
25928 Pimlico
50 slow
25848 Pimlico
50 fast
69-10 114
25781 H.deG’ce
41 f
21-20 113
25703 H.deG'ce
43-10 109
2S248 Havana
25143 Havana
25064 Havana
1051 1
24723 Havana
35 fast
24659 Havana
24523 Havana
FOK TROT. ch. f. 2
26014 Pimlico
41 f
57-10 109
25925 Pimlico
41 f
57 slow
25859 Pimlico
49 fast
br. c,
25863 Pimlico
49 fast
13-20 114
25827 H.deG'ce
20743 H.deG’ce
41 f
55%good 36-5 115
25703 H.deG’ce
23-5 109
25316 N.Orl’ns
18-5 115
25282 N.Orl’ns
25154 N.Orl’ns
25044 N.Orl’ns
24835 N.Orl’ns
31 f
24647 N.Orl’ns
24564 N.Orl’ns
37%good 4
CRANK, b. c.
25982 Pimlico
41 f
25859 Pimlico
49 fast
S. *
25968 Pimlico
41 f
25863 Pimlico
49 fast
114 10
25760 H.deG’ce
41 f
58 slop
19-5 no
25714 H.deG’ce
25649 Bowie
c, 2
25848 Pimlico
50 fast
By Bryn Mawr— Star Lady (G. E. Chancellor). 2 5954 Pi m n C o
lh 2“ T Par'ton 13 Blue Fox. Dr. Nelson, Crank 25849 Pimlico
6 2 6 7 E Taplin 9 Q. of the Sea. C’nowingo. B.Fox 2 4017 Bowie
5* 5 2 1 R Troxler 8 Conowingo, Dr. Nelson, V. West 2 3972 Bowie
2' 2 4 R Troxler 7 Wuukeag, Kingfisher, B’ght Star 23946 Bowie
h. g, 6
3-4 l:14%fast
3-4 l:14%fast
108 11
3-4 l:14%good 7J
3-4 1:13 fast
3-4 l:13%good 6-5
3-4 1:16 hvy
3-4 1:14 faBt
109 11
n20y l:43%fast
29-6 100
5 3
3-4 l:13%fast
3-4 l:13%fast
39-20 118
3-4 1 :13%fast
3-4 1:14 fast
. h, 8
3-4 l:14%fast
3-4 1 :17%hvy
29-10 107
3-4 l:14%fast
3-4 1:17 slop
27-20 110
3-4 1:16 good 3-2
11c 11
3-4 1:16 hvy
3-4 1:14 fast
111 12
6J f 1:07% good 10
117 10
3-4 1:14 fast
3-4 1:14 fast
3-4 l:16%slow
3-4 l:14%fast
3-4 1:13 fast
5i f 1:08 good 30
111 12
5J f l:ll%hvy
3-4 l:17%hvy
1, ch. m. 5
1 l:42%fast
6 7
3-4 1:14 fast
lm20y l:43%fast 24-5 105 6 6 6
lm70y l:46%fast 23 104 8 7 8
lm70y l:47%fast 61-10 103 10 10 9
11 11 R Troxler 8 Dr. Nelson, B’ghtStar, Med. Miss 23919 Bowie 1 1-16 l:48%fast 19 104 2 7 8
1* i« e Taplin 7 Manokin, May Bock, Idollta 23879 Pimlico 1 1-S
2 s 2 1 E Taplin 8 Burbank, Manokin. Idollta 23866 Pimlico 1 1-8
31 l 1 E Taplin 8 May Bock, Otisco, Lantana 23850 Pimlico 1 3-1 (
3» 4 7 J R Har’gton 7 Burbank, Seminole, May Bock
3'1 3 7 T Par’gton 6 H. Daughter, Lit. Ford, Manokin FENROCK, b. g, 4
21 4* E Taplin 7 Cadillac, Seminole, Latana 25981 Pimlico 3-4
1* l 4 E Taplin
2* 2 1 E Taplin
31 l 1 E Taplin
23850 Pimlico 1 3-16 2:01 fast
1 1-8 l:54%fast 21 102 8 7 9
1 1-8 1:55 fast 37-20 103 2 2 3
81 8 4 3 J Metcalf 13 M.’sChoice, L. London, R’fiection
7*110 1 * J Metcalf 13 Marianao, Outlook, Water Lily
4 l 4 S 1 K McD’ott 9 Ella Bryson, Uarl, Gabrio
7 7 ,s R McD’ott 7 Martin Casca, Garl, Miss Fannie
4* 3*1 R McD’ottll P’sumption, M. Casca, T”odorlta
Ink 2“ B McD’ott 7 SirW. Johnson, Republican, Jem
7‘ 7*1 R McD’ott 8 W. Lily, Pontefract, Gloaming
ink in R McD’ott 9 Old Bob. Coy, Water Welles
3 1 1* R McD’ottl7 Aldebaran, Kopje, Marjorie A.
3’1 11 R McD’ottl4 Luther, Patience, Pharaoh
By Salvation — Dora I. (E. E. Peck).
G 1 6*1 T Par’ton 9 Striker. Capt. l’arr, Anavri
31 Ink M Buxton 11 Lord Wells, Deduction, Bulfron
7 1 7°1 R Ball 9 M’nocaey, H’iation, G’tlewoinnui
21 2“ M Buxton 8 Castara, Dakota, Iscligabihble
11 ll'*JE Ambrosell Katina, UubiconlL, B.’sBrother
2’1 2 4 J Metcalf 7 Stout Heart, Zin Del, Juliet
11 5 2 1 T Rice 14 Colinet, Dew Drop, Chilla
9® 8®j T Rice 12 Linda Payne, Viley, Dr. Kendall
10 10 12 J Metcalf 10 Gabrio, Presumption, E. Bryson
2*1 l'l T Par’ton 13 Mon.Fox, LindnPayne, Monereif
9° 9 5 1 R Flint 12 Sempsilla, Colors, Deduction
6 s 5 S 1 W Ward 14 Aldebaran, Lady London, Hiker
12* 12 W JF Hopklnsl5 Fullux, W. Pitzer, Sand Marsh
11 6 2 1 T Rice 14 Outlook, Silver Moon, Viley
61 7 10 T Hayes 12 Borax, Envy, Old Bob
2 h 7 4 j t Hayes 10 Dryad, Mr. Sniggs, Jim L.
By Cunard — Wayward Lass (J. Arthur).
31 3 2 ! M M’ntain 9 Rrdland, Damrosch. B.Cunarder
8 2 6*J M M’ntalnll W.Lily, T.M’querader, K. Worth
6 5*1 T Par’gton 6 Stonehenge, Aldebaran Uloam’g
41 44J x Par’gton 8 S.W.J’nson, L.Nearer, Rep’lican
6'1 3 s T Par’gtonlO Jem, Stonehenge, SirW.Johrison
7» 6 11 T Par’gton 9 Republican, L. Nearer. Naushon
7 2 6*1 L McAtee 10 Ambrose. Stonehenge, B. Broom
3 2 l 1 L McAtee 10 R. o’Light, G.M. Miller, T.Romp
6 2 7 4 J M Garner 8 Yodeles, Dartworth, Bil. Baker
4 108
3-4 l:15%fast fid 111 3
3-4 1:14 fast 3 100 4
6-8 l:02%slow 6 98 8
By Star Shoot— Paaaan (H. Rite*). 24897 Havana 6-8 l:02%slow 6 98 8 8
5 1 3'1 W Obert 15 llanobala, TheO.One, BrightStar 23514 Laurel 1 1-16 l:48%good 50 102 6 5 4
21 2 2 W Obert 11 J. Wingfield, BrightStar, C.Dun 23179 W’dblne 1 1-16 l:48%faat 37-10 101 1 1 2
gjo 55J w Obert « Manokin, Owaga, Sea Gull 23082 W’dbine 1 1-16 l:46%fast 11-6 105 5 9 10
•• ■. ti .li T, w / c 22962 Dorval lm70y l:43%fast 51 104 2 2 2
^elsa^D U ^ol?*Bantam^* FJSally^ LuelleP. 22701 BlueBon ’ 7 - 8 1:27 fast 17 ** 104 8 9 9
l 2 I s W Kelsay 0 J. Wingfield, K’gflsher, R.Flower DOCTOR GREMER, b. g, 3 98
6 s 7*3 W Kelsay 8 Valerie West, Manokin, Lobelia 25967 Pimlico 3-4 1:16 fast 44-5 110 2 1
_ _ _ , _ .. 25864 Pimlico 3-4 l:14%fast fid 103 3 2
B.8t« SSiSsSs* 8 ml f
5"k 5* J Hanover 11 F. Coleman, DungaDin, O.Netta 2 ii 9 : ? 8 97 f \
1> 1* J Hanover 10 Dunga Din, Owaga, Savilla ti its ,94 g 3
2 s 2>i J Metcalf 7 Conowingo, Our Netta, Solveig 23530 t aure i gi r i':074fccood 13 98 4 3
FENROCK, b. g, 4 108 By Bock Sand — Ferment (J. Sterling).
25981 Pimlico 3-4 l:15%fast fid 111 3 2 2 2”k 3$ T Par’ton 12 GoldenGnte, Tactless, Reflection
25009 Havana 3-4 1:14 fast 3 100 4 2 6 6 6 4 3 R Jarboe 6 R. o’ Light, Springmass, Paulson
24897 Havana 6-8 l:02%slow 6 98 8 8 9 8* 8‘»1B Jarboe 9 L. Wells, R. Strickland, T.Lark
23514 Laurel 1 1-16 l:48%good 50 102 6 5 4 4 6i 6 7 1 T Hayes 10 Yodeling, Jawbone, Dick’s Pet
23179 W’dblne 1 1-16 l:48%fast 37-10 101 1 1 2 4 6' 6* R McD’ott 8 S. of Love, Fascinating, D.’s Pet
23082 W’dbine 1 1-16 l:46%fast 11-6 105 5 9 10 10 ll 2 IQ* 2 J Callabanl2 Egmont, Astrologer. Fly Home
22962 Dorval lm70y l:43%fast 61 104 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 l J J Smyth 7 King Box, Fascinating Mud Sill
22701 BlueBon. 7-8 1:27 fast 17-6 104 8 9 9 7 7 s 7*1 R Jarboe 13 Perpetual, Ida Claire, Meelicka
23555 Laurel
23530 Laurel
4“i T McTag’t 6 Bed. Stories, F.’s Fancy, Solveig 23231 ji deG’ce
11 J Pen’gast 5 Nor’bega, Nonesuch, W. Duncan ,3295 H deG’ce
l 4 1* T McTag’t 8 Savilla, Conowingo, Silver Sedge
4’1 2* J Pen'gast S Gretchen R., B. Lady, Lit. Dot THESIERES c
By Celt — Crosspatch (S. Boss). 25984 Pimlico
5 1 4*1 R Troxler 13 Blue Fox, OplieliaW., Dr.Nclson 23083 H.deG’ce
41 r Troxler C Manokin, Owaga, Sea Gull 20297 Pimlico
20236 Pimlico
By Dr. Leggo — Micco (A. Zepp). 20081 H.deG’ce
6 4 5 4 i M Buxton 7 Rhymer, I,obelia, Lucile P. 20039 H.deG’ce
32 412 r Troxler 11 Gold. Bantam, Y. Sally, LucileP. 20012 H.deG’ce
2 4 l 2 J Metcalf 7 Chelsea, Positano, Defender
25830 H.deG’ce
By The Commoner — Hawkslight (Quincy Stable). 25779 H.deG’ce
7* 7*1 C B'game 8 Conowingo, Dr. Nelson. V. West 25742 H.deG’ce
By Rapid Water— SweU Girl (J. K. L. Ross). fgg RowU C °
FRESHET, br. f, 2 105
First start.
SECOND RACE— 2 Miles. Emerson Steepl
3:49%— 8— 149.)
25886 Pimlico 2 4:08 fast 11-5 142 9 Fell.
25786 H.deG’ce Ab 2 4:27%hvy 17-20 137 2 3 3
ER, b. g, 3
3-4 1:16 fast
44-5 110
3-4 l:14%fast
fid 103
3-4 l:15%fast
3-4 1:16 good 2
3-4 l:14%fast
3-4 1:18 slop
32-6 104
54 f l:07%good 13
61 f 1:08 fast
51 f l:08%fast
1. g. 6
3-4 1:16 fast
3-4 1:14 fast
3-4 l:14%fast
3-4 1:14 fast
61 f 1:07 fast
61 f 1 :07%fast
112 11
3-4 l:14%fast
!. b. f. 3
m40y l:45%fast
8 9
51 f 1:08 good 13
51 f l:10%hvy
Emerson Steeplechase. 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. (8114 —
25742 H.deG’ce 51 f l:07%fast 1089 101 9
25713 H.deG’ce 3-4 l:14%fast 29 100 6
25679 Bowie 3-4 1:16 slop 493 105 9
25612 Bowie 61 f l:21%fast 138 101 7
25583 Bowie 51 f l:08%fast fid 104 13
25484 Havana lm50y l:46%fast 21 98 3
25459 Havana 6-8 l:01%fast 5 98 2
18 By Isidor — Mayfield (A. J. O’Toole).
10 2 1 1 2 4 2 s N Wyatt 11 Handfull. Tze-Lsi. E. Baumann
» 3 2 4 14 2 15 21 K Weath’ylS Kootenay, Cliff Haven. L.Loudon
05 9 6 3 3»1 3J J Pitz 10 Sand Mark, Tribolo, Nolli
03 6 5 4 3 l 31 T Par’gtoniS Ataka, Edith Baumann, Welga
17 3 2 3 3» 4*1 L Mink 12 High Horse, Stellarina, Nolli
04 6 3 3 4>1 2>1 T Par’gton 10 Eddie T., G. Counsel. Important
98 4 3 3 3 1 3 2 ! L Mink 10 D.’s Choice, Jane Straltb, Iollte
05 7 5 7 7 1 * 6"} J Smyth 8 M. Herrmann, T.Elward, S.Mark
97 2 1 2 2 l 4'1 T Par’gtonll High Horae, Benjamin, Servia
8 By Bannockburn — Discard (N. L, Snelson),
98 1 5 7 10 1 ll 8 i B Kop’m’nll Ed. Henry, Vermont, B.Cunarder
12 8 9 11 ll 1 11 ,2 1J McCabe 14 Sarsenet, Striker, Scallywag
09 1 4 3 6 2 5* E Haynes 8 Mar. Casca, Monty Fox, Patience
15 1 3 3 3»k 3 * l HartwelllO G. Plume, H’rmlsJr., D.R.L.S’ger
10 3 3 4 4”k 5* j Metcalf 10 Ada Anne, Colors, Sleuth
12 11 9 9 10J 4'1 D Stewardl4 New Haven, Sil.Moon, Yorkville
09 2 4 4 1» 1*1 J Metcalf 9 Uncle Ben. New Haven, Sleuth
98 By H*« tings — Gwendolyn (G. A. Alexandra).
00 6 8 9 8 7* 7‘* M And’soniO Greetings. Ask Ma. Menlo Park
02 6 6 5 21 2 1 M And’son 8 Recluse, Tze-Lsi, King Tuscan
02 7 8 7 4 1 2 1 1 M And’son 8 Greetings, Eddie T., Shrapnel
01 9 9 8 6 l 5*i M And’son 9 Outlook, Marianao, Water Lily
00 6 6 5 6 1 6 4 i J McTag’rt 9 M’nocacy, H’iation, G’tlewoman
05 9 8 9 7® 7 1 * G Alex’dra 9 Between Us, Ancon, Water Lily
01 7 7 7 7 6*1 R Har’ton 7 W. Lily, Supreme, Humiliation
94 13 13 12 12* 12** R Har’tonl3 Between Us, Ina Kay, M. Casca
98 3 6 7 6 6 2 6 11 R Har’ton 7 M. Cohen, Afterglow, Cuttyhunk
98 2 7 7 6 1 3 2 R Har’ton 7 Dr.R.L.S’renger, Euterpe, Inlan
23861 Pimlico 2 4:00 fast 41 132 10 5 8
23832 Pimlico 2 4:04%fast 62 132 8 5 5
18448 H.deG’ce 6-8 l:02%fast 100 98 8 6
18428 H.deG’ce 51 f l:09%slow 60 104 16 17
18875 Pimlico 3-4 l:14%fast 182 87 1 2
18307 Pimlico 51 f l:08%fast 201 109 3 4
16191 FortErle 6-8 l:04%mud 9 100 3 1
ELECT, b. h, 5 15* „ „ ,
26012 Pimlico 21 5:25 fast 4 163 2 3 3
1S483 H.deG'ce lm70yl :46%fast 60 112 6 5 3
18430 H.deG’ce 3-4 1:15 good 25 109 3 10
By Glorifier — Glad Tidings (A. D. Parr). 25955 Pimlico
F Will’ ms 9 Molionk, Stonewood, Ormead 25913 Pimlico
2 4 2* W Allen 5 Lady Butterfly, Aviator, Royal 2 5785 H.deG'ce
41 4*1 N Brooks 10 Emerald Gem, N. Haven, E.Ligiit 25685 H.deG’ce
310 2 2 " N Brooks 8 Vifir, Amans, Carl 25656 Bowie
BENDEL, ch. g. 5
25955 Pimlico lm40y 1:46 fast 56
1 ^ 1 1
25656 Bowie
3-4 1:15 fast 16 115 7
51 f l:10%hvy 12 107 5
3-4 1 :15%good39-10 116 2
3-4 l:14%afat 32-6 115 3
51 6 71 1F Murphy 11 Unity. Flossie Crocket. Kazan
By Electioneer — Elegance (H. Kites),
3 2 “ l 2 Mr THW’e 0 Induction, Bachelor. Regalis
7 4 7 14 A Nicklausll Elespian, II. Rock. Slumbcrer
25348 N.Orl’ns
25266 N.Orl'ns
3-4 l:14%fast 4
3-4 l:14%fast 21
SUPERHUMAN, ch. g, 4 140
25980 Pimlico 2 1-4 4:33%fast 17 135 G 5 o
25915 Pimlico 2 4:00 fast 9 140 4 Los
23882 Pimlico 2 3:58 fast 31-5 134 2 6 4
23861 Pimlico 2 4:00 fast 44-5 134 3 6 4
10 11 11* 12 21 J Smyth 15 Weldsliip, Martin Casca, Dakota
By Superman — Deity (H. L. Pratt).
24023 Bowie 1 1-4 2:ll%f;
23SC7 Bowie
23864 Pimlico
1 1-4 2:ll%fast 29-5 92 8 6 5 6
lm20y l:45%fast 19 110 10 10 10 10
1 1-2 2:36 fast 21 109 5 6 6 4
25915 Pimlico
23882 Pimlico
23861 Pimlico
23832 Pimlico
23572 Pip.Rk. Ab 2 4:03%fast 6 132 4
23526 Pip.Rk. Ab 2 4:04 slow 20 132 8
23305 Bel. Ter. Ab 2 fast 11-5 130 2
20992 Jamaica 3-4 1:15 slow 6 110 5
20934 Jamaica 5i f 1:08 fast 6 107 2
20782 Belmont 3-4 st l:ll%fast 6 111 2
20690 Belmont 3-4 l:13%fast 8 109 2
20251 Churchill 3 4 l:13%fast 33-20 108 6
14836 Latonla 51 f l:0G%fast 39-5 109 5
14727 Latonia 5-8 1:00 fast 9-5 109 2
DARBISHIRE, blk. », 5 147
25915 Pimlico 2 4:00 fast 63-10 147 1
14505 Belmont 1 1:40 fast 40 93 5
2 4 :04%f ast 37-20 132 5 4 Lost rider.
5 5 3 5 5 2 6'* B Haynes 8 Sun King, Weldsliip, Battery els'll Pimlico lm40v P44%fast 19
4 Lost rider. B Haynes 7 Brentwood, H.ofOak, Darbishire 22 |’| Bi ™ llc .° 2 : 06%fast 16
2 6 4 3 3) 3'*J Williams 0 Bill Dudley, Vifir, Amans 22047 1 I; 0 ® 7 * 1 ®. 81 18
3 6 4 Fell J WllliamslO Emerald Gem ^ N Haven KLight ^ ^ e r ^ ce ^a/t 6
109 a 6 6
101 6 7 5
107 7 9 9
111 1 6 8
102 4 7 8
107 11 10 11
25830 H.deG’ce 5J f 1:08 good 21-5 105 5
25779 H.deG’ce 51 f l:10%hvy 21-10 109 5
1 25696 H.deG’ce 5J f l:10%fast 141 103 2
25688 H.deG’ce 3-4 l:15%good 54 104 9
24853 N.Orl’ns 3-4 l:14%good 15 106 7
24823 N.Orl’ns 1 l:44%mud 41 109 4
24747 N.Orl’ns 3-4 l:15%hvy 10 107 7
24473 N.Orl’ns 1 l:42%good 6 104 4
24282 N.Orl’ns lm20y 1:47 hvy 4 101 4
106 7
109 4 3
107 7
104 4 5
2 4:00 fast 63-10 147 1 1 4
1 1:40 fast 40 93 5 3 6
12174 Church ! 3-4 1:17 mud 20 110
12025 Church' 1 . 5-8 1:03 mud 42
FALMOUTH ch. g. 4
25912 Pimlico 2 4:07%fast 4
24011 Bowie ll:44%fast 12
23968 Bowie
23928 Bowie
23881 Pimlico
1 l:44%fast 21-5 107 5 5 5
3-4 l:17%hvy 29-20 106 5 1
3-4 l:13%fast 13 100 4 2
1031 2 2
140 7 7 5
109 3 1 2
24011 Bowie ll:44%fast 13 109 3 1 2
23983 Bowie lm20y 1:46 fast 39-5 106 8 8 4
23907 Bowie 1 1-16 1:52 mud fid 108 4 6 9
ANTISEPTIC, ch. f, 4 138
25886 Pimlico 2 4:08 fast 63 140 S 4 4
22S82 Pimlico 2 3:58 fast 111 13- » 2 6
238G9 Pimlico 2 4:01 fast 111 132 7 9 9
23845. Pimlico 3-4 1:14 fast f’ id 115 10 9
23824 Pimlico 3-4 1:16 fast 104 107 10 1
23556 laurel 5-8 1 :03%slop f’ Id 110 14 9
22624 Con'ght 5J f l:12%hvy 25 100 7 6
20018 H.deG'ce 51 f l:06%fast 60 10a 8 9
WHITE METAL, gr. g. 4 140
25846 Pimlico 2 4:07 fast 31 131 2 3 6
23883 Pimlico 1 3-4 3:02 fast 69 93 3 2 2
23814 Pimlico 3-4 l:13%fast 375 110 8 11
23668 Pip.Rk. Abll 2:15%fast 8 142 6 T
23113 Bel. Ter. 1 1-4 fast 11-10 150 111
2 4:08 fast 63 140 S 4 4
2 3:58 fast 111 132 5 2 6
2 4:01 fast 111 132 7 9 9
3-4 1:14 fast f’ id 113 10 9
3-4 1:16 fast 104 107 10 7
5-8 1 :03%slop f’ld 110 14 9
5J f 1 :12%hvy 25 100 7 6
51 f 1 :06%f ast 60 105 8 9
23883 Pimlico
23814 Pimlico
23668 Pip.Rk.
23113 Bel. Ter.
22852 Belmont
21757 Belmont
21263 Latonia
1 l:40%fast 15 98 3
1 l:43%slow 10 104 6
3-4 l:13%fast 33 108110
MISS OXFORD, ch. m. 5
25860 Pimlico
2 4:02%fast f’ld 147 4 2 Lost rider.
I Lost rider. V Powers 8 Vifir, Jack Winston, Amans lm70v 1 : 4444fa<d 12 106 9 5 5
4 4 3* 2* J Williams 5 B. Dudley, Welsh King, Ptolemy J331J H.deG ce lm«0>1.44%fast 12 106 9 5 5
8 5 6 4 02 J WilliunislO Vifir, Bill Dudley, Faker SHRAPNEL, b. g, 3 101
4 3 5* 5>*4J Williams 7 Ptolemy, Florida, Flying Peep 2 5S30 H.deG’ce 51 f 1:08 good 21-5 105 5
2 1 2 2 2 s C Bore 7 8 Alhena, Minstrel, Coy 25779 H.deG’ce 54 f 1 :10%hvy 21-10 109 5
3 2 3* 3 s H Cavan’b « Prairie. J. J. Lillis, Y Emblem 25696 H.deG’ce 51 f l:10%fast 141 103 2
4 1 2“ s 2 1 C Borel 10 Amans, LostFortune, Un. Jimmie 2 5688 H.deG’ce 3-4 l:15%good 54 104 9
6 4 4* 4 7 1 C Borel 7 He Will. Chesterton, Forecast 24853 N.Orl’ns 3-4 l:14%good 15 106 7
4 4 3 2 3»i C Borel 11 Slaznlk, Manioc hlnal 24823 N.Orl’ns 1 l:44%mud 41 109 4
1 1 25 4*1 W W T’lor 9 E.Cocliran, Rancher, MargaretD. 2 4747 N.Orl’ns 3-4 l:15%hvy 10 107 7
2 3 2 s 2 1 W W T’lor C L. Barbary, LadyJ.Grey, Shoddy 24473 N.Orl’ns ll:42%good6 104 4
By Plaudit — Peninah (R. Parr). 24282 N.Orl’ns lm20y 1:47 hvy 4 101 4
1 4 3 3'» 3> 2 W Allen 7 Brentwood, H’ts of Oak Royal Row e 3-4 l : 17%hvv 29-20 106 5
j 6 6 C 6° l J P Ryan (i Dartworth, Oakhurst, L.Travers ^ 928 pPmlico 3-4 l : 139tfaat 13 20 100 4
C 7 6* 6*4 H Woods lii Big Spirit. Monstone. J. Nolan 23881 limlico 3 4 1.13%last 13 100 4
2 6 61 4*i R Goose 8 Bolala, Katina, Kequiram
By Golden Maxim or Fayette — Price (H. T. Oxnard).
7 5 1 l 2 l 2 E Landry S Maybud II., Raccoon, Alledo FIFTH RACE 3-4 Mile Woodberrv
1 * 3 3*t 5=i M Buxton 12 Primary, Aldonus, Jerry Jr. II1TB. BALL— J 4 Mile. Woodberry
8 4 3 35 6 7 i M Buxton 10 t'asaba. Blue Mouse. FrontRoyal
6 9 11 11* 10 n lM Buxton 12 Vulas. R. Meteor. M. Dulweber
By The Commoner— Ice Water (G. P. Sherman). KEWESSA, b. g. 6 118
1 4 2 4* ('* J Russell # Mohonk. Stonewood, Ormead 25956 Pimlico lm70y l:46%fast 8-5 118 2
•> 6 6 6 6 27 J Russell (i Bill Dudley, Vifir, Superhuman 25S89 Pimlico 3-4 1:13 fast 9-10 107 2
9 9 8 S S 48 J Russell 10 M’chCourt. Suwannee, Aberfeldy 25687 H.deG’ce 5J f 1 :07%good47-10 104 5
9 9 8>1 7 12 W Ward 13 Old Broom. Delaneey. Celtabel 28995 Bowie 3-4 1:13 fast 21-5 112 7
7 7 7 2 8* K Weath’yll Shrewsbury, Primary. Our John 23962 Bowie 3-4 l:14%fast 23-5 108 7
9 5 7* 7 J J W Ward 14 Vignola, Jem. Fuzzy Wuzzy 23930 Bowie 3-4 l:16%hvy 63-10 108 6
6 9 9‘® 9“*K Weath’y 10 Sempsilla. Inquieta. Minstrel 23911 Bowie 3-4 l:13%fast 28-5 108 2
9 10 10 9“ A NicklauslO Corsican, Fair Helen, Videt 23855 Pimlico 3-4 1:12 fast fid 105 2
n- Ovcladei Mias Tenhroeck (J. E. Davis). 23827 Pimlico 3-4 1:13 fast 13 108 9
3 5 4 4 4*' A Lee C Sun King, Collector, Mo 237"? Laurel 3-4 1:13 fast 20 116 7
2 2 2 2 4 3 21 P Lowder 4 Stromboli, Tactics, Short Grass 2374 d Laure 5i f l;««%fast 16-5 103 10
11 10 10i lH’JM Buxton 11 T.asSteel, H.I’rynne, R. Bradley *-3032 Laurel 3-4 1.13%good 71 100 7
Pulled up. MrGFA’ers 0 Reybourn, Huguenot, Beethoven s tr EDGAR ch. g 4 109
11 1 1* 1° Mr F Alp's 3 llammon Pass, Doublet 25889 Pimlico* "’1-4 113 fast 11-5 109 1
7 7 7 61 6*1 P Lowiler 7 TopIIat, SandmanlL, P.andCalls ^^29 H ch'ti'ce lmTOvl lS^-good 10 ll 9 1
6 6 5 4* 2 4 C Turner C IronDuke, CyMerrick Northllght i^2 H deG’Pe 3-4 1 J5 h v/27 20 10e' 3
9 5 4* 3*1 H Alex 11 Dignity. K. Ivringle. Stonewood ^I 8 J “ J.4 1:13 good 17^ 10S 4
By Oxford— Clasher (Glen Kiddle Farm). 25698 H.deG’ce 5-8 1:01 fast 29-10110 2
By Uncle — Bremen (F. J. Pons).
6 2 C 12 T Par’ton !.* C’nterpart, Linbrook, Cnpt. Parr
9 9 1 * J Metcalf 9 Aprisa, Laura. Freda Johnson
4® 4 2 J J Cruise 8 T.M’rader, H’liation, L.Fortune
3 2 2* J Hanover 0 R. Strickland, Monocacy, Trend
4 2 4'1 J Hanover 10 Deduction, G’tlewoman, I. Claire
2* 2* J Hanover 7 Huda’sBrother, Protagoras, Carl
2 2 4* J Hanover 8 Aharn, HarryLauder, S.Gold
3* 4 1S J Hanover 7 Rustling Brass, Batwa, Gerrard
2 7 2* J Hanover 7 Birku, W. W. Clark, Kelsetta
7 2 6*3 J Hanoverll M.Kruter, Rubiconll., FarAway
31 4 4 M Garner 11 Undaunted, Ancon, Brownstone
By Dolce Far Niente — Cherry Wild (B. Newman).
5* 6 4 1 E Foreh’ndll Baby Sister, BrianBoru, C.N'ome
8* 7*1 P Lowder 10 D. of Dunbar, Earlymorn, Batwa
6* 5*1 P Lowder 7 Billie Baker, Men. Park, Martian
61 6 7 P Lowder 8 Yodeling, Ben Quince. Hedge
6* 6*1 A Collins 10 II. ’s Brother. Dartworth, S.Bird
9* 6 7 P Lowder 11 Petelus. Cbristophine. Napier
7* 7‘* P Lowder 8 Marshon, B. Baker, Christophine
61 3? P Lowder 12 Armament, C’stophine. K.K’ngle
5* 4* P Lowder 13 Gloaming. Guy Fisher. Volant
By Out of Reach — Ferrol (C. W. Campbell).
51 5*1 R Ball 8 Recluse, Galeswinthe, Tze-Lsi
4*1 K Weath’y 8 Greetings, Galeswinthe, EddieT.
4* 33 K Weath’y 6 R.Strickl’d, Greetings, I.Frank
6h 8*J K Weath’y 10 Borax, Good Counsel, Old Bob
7* 7 IU 1R McD’ott 8 Souvenir, Blue Cup. Pan Handle
4*° 4'“1B McD’ott Z Lucky It., MaymeW., R.Juliette
4 s 6 17 1R McD’ottl2 Mary H., Blue Cap, A1 Pierce
4* 4 M iR McD’ott 5 Mary H., Investment, Ilarla
4) 5 l * R McD’ott 7 I. Gentleman, D.Wil'ms, M’shon
76 6 4 J R McD’ott 10 Lynn, Nolli, Letfettl
2* ink r McD'ottlO Pan Handle, Chlvator, Tralee
8* 7 7 J R McD’ottlO Tom Elward, Highllorse, Tralee
FIFTH RACE — 3-4 Mile. Woodberry Handicap. 3-year-olds and upward. (95722 — 1:12 — C — 124.)
KEWESSA, b. g. 6 116
26956 Pimlico lmTOy l:46%fast 8-5 118
25S89 Pimlico 3-4 1:13 fast 9-10 107
25S89 Pimlico 3-4 1:13 fast 9-10 l(ff 2
25687 H.deG’ce 5J f 1 :07%good47-10 104 5
28995 Bowie 3-4 1:13 fast 21-5 112 7
23962 Bowie 3-4 l:14%fast 23-5 108 7
23930 Bowie 2-4 l:16%hvy 63-10 108 6
23911 Bowie 3-4 l:13%fast 28-5 108 2
23855 Pimlico 3-4 1:12 fast fid 105 2
23827 Pimlico 3-4 1:13 fast 13 108 9
23759 Laurel 3-4 1:13 fast 20 116 7
23745 Laurel
5i f l:06%fast 16-5 103 10
3-4 l:13%good 7J 100 7
1. g. 4 109
3-4 1:13 fast 11-5 109 1
14 Early Light, Rusila, Juvereuce
THIRD RACE — 7-8 Mile. 3-year-olds.
CELTABEL. ch. c, 3
25890 Pimlico 1
23888 Pimlico 3-4
23840 Pimlico 3-4
23812 Pimlico 51 f
1 l:41%fast 21-5 102 5 1
3-4 1:13 fast 67-10 112 5
3-4 1:14 fast 4 98 6
5J f 1 :08%fast 4| 115 6
Maidens. Special Weights. (35587 — 1:26 — 3 — 109.)
By Celt — Lady Isabel (S. Boas).
By ueil — Jisauei vo. nonj. MTi-.Q
2* 91 J McTag’t 6 SandmanlL, Juliet, EddieHenry ^urel
5= 31* G Byrne i Delaneey, Churchill, Dorcas n.aeu ce
4= 3* R McD’ottU! Old Broom. Delaneey, Wizard RHINE MAI
25698 H.deG’ce 6-8 1:01 fast 29-10 110 2
25687 H.deG’ce 65 f l:07%good 5 110 2
25186 Havana 5J f l:06%fast 9-5 120 3
24S95 Havana 55 f l:08%slow 1-3 118 1
23855 Pimlico 3-4 1;12 fast 67-10 109 3
23797 Laurel 3-4 1:12 good 11 105 2
23759 Laurel 3-4 1:13 fast 35 110 4
23086 H.deG’ce 3-4 l:12%fast 12 102J 4
By McGee— Sanfara (W, L. Oilver),
1 1* 1J J MoTag’t li Corsican, Greenwood. B. Broom
1 l 4 l 2 J McTag’t 5 SirEdgar. SiiortGrass, F’irHelen
1 K> In J McTag’t 6 Flittergold, J.J. Lillis, Vermont
3 3 2 3*1 C Turner 7 Sami Marsh. T. as Steel, B Bay
5 6* 1» C Turner 8 Back Bay. T.asSteel, SandMarsb
3 5 2 7 ,0 1G Byrne 7 WaterLady, SandMarsh. Pullux
2 26 2b C Turner 6 Sand Marsh, H. Prynne W.Lady
6 9okll>» G Byrne 11 Stromboli, H. Prynne. H. Shaw
4 4 2 6«J J Smyth 10 HigbNoon, C.o’theWalk, W.Lady
9 ll 2 12 10 jH Hanmer 12 Sir Edgar, High Noon. Hanson
6 7J 7*1 F Cooper 14 Quartz. Robt. Bradley. Venetla
6 9 4 8*1 J Callahanll High Noon, Dodge, Hanson
By Cunard— Stumpy (H. G. Bedwell).
2 - 2- J Butwell 5 Kewessa, Short Grass, F. Helen
3 2b 4'2 F Keogh 4 SlumberIL, \V. Shoes. K.N’ptune
1 in* 2 j p Keogh 5 Fenmouae, J. J. Lillis, Celto
3 3* 2'1 F Keogh 9 A. N. Akin, T.o’th’M’iug. P.H’ry
2 21 3J E Haynes 9 A. N. Akin, F. Helen, P’ceHenry
4 6 6*J J Bullman 6 Kewessa. Flittergold, J. J. Lillis
2 2 2 2® R Troxler 4 Iron Mask. Ini pent tor, W. Crown
1 l” k ij e Taplin 3 Othello, Aldebaran
4 7J 9"1J Smyth 11 Stromboli. H. Prvnne, H. Shaw
1 Ink iuk j Smyth 6 Quartz. Water Lady, Hanson
3 2> 1} J Smyth 12 High Noon. Hanson, L. Barbary
4 4°k 5 7 j p Cooper G Coquette, Flittergold, Hanson
22214 Saratoga 51 f l:li%hvy 4 112 7
ED BOND. br. g. 3
25694 H.deG’ce 5-8 1:01 good 27 107 4
24012 Bowie 3-4 l:13%fast 13 107111
23979 Bowie 51 f l:07%rast 23-5 114 4
23941 Bowie 61 f l:09%fast rid 114 11
23902 Bowie 61 f l:09%mud f id 111 11
23860 Pimlico 3-4 1:14 fast fid 110 14
65 3*1 T McTag’t 15 Black Coffee. Wizard, B. McGee 2 5!Mi9 Pimlico 7-S l:27%fast 22
5* 5*5 T McTag’t 13 Daddy’s Choice. Bigtodo. Nolli 23524 Pip.Rk.Abl 1-8 2:03%slnw 7
96 6 2
By Mint — La Dotta (W. L. Oliver). 23303 Bel. Ter. .
4 4 4 4*5 J Bullman 4 Skeer Face, Ed. Henry, B.McGee 23111 Bel. Ter.
11 9 7 2 6''J C Turner 12 Murphy, Q. of Paradise, Bigtodo 22819 Belmont
6 6 5® 3*J C Turner 10 IMaudito. Q.ofParadise. S’thbore 21911 Aqueduct
.9 7 41 3'i C Turner 12 Jacquetta, Immune, Mcl^lland 21754 Belmont
11 11 11 ll 22 J Butwell 11 Handfull. Wizard, Jerry Jr. 2170G Belmont
14 14 13 2 12 22 G Byrne 14 Dancer, Ruth Strickland. B.Corn 21445 Aqueduct
23524 Pip.Rk.Abl 1-8 2:03%slnw 7 144 3 2
23303 Bel. Ter. Ab3-4 fast 9-5 137 4
23111 Bel. Ter. 5-8 fast 6-5 133 3
22819 Belmont 3-4 l:13%fast 20 106 4 3
21911 Aqueduct 7-8 l:25%fast 30 90 5 3 1
21754 Belmont 1 l:40%slow 8 97 3 1 1
21 TOG Belmont 3-4 l:13%fast 15 92 3 4
21445 Aqueduct 1 1:41 slow 12 90 1 1 2
Ink e Taplin 3 Othello, Aldebaran
7J 9"JJ Smyth 11 Stromboli. II. Prvnne, H. Shaw
Ink iuk j Smyth 6 Quartz, Water Lady, Hanson
2 1 1J J Smyth 12 High Noon. Hanson, L. Barbary
4»k s 7 $ p Cooper 0 Coquette, Flittergold, Hanson
By Watercress-.- Gold (E. F. Whitney).
I 2 l 4 J McCahey 8 T.o’th’M’rning, U.Bryn, S, Grass
1J 2 1 B Haynes 7 Huguenot, Reybourn,* Absconder
2b 2b C Gordon S Culvert, Otto Floto, Huguenot
4 1 3 2 5 D Hoffman! 1 Culvert. Canipeon. Otto Floto
4'| 4 4 J D Hoffman 6 Etruscan, Short Grass, Hanson
51 6io t Henry G Holiday, Capra. Trial by Jury
4 4*4 D Hoffman 4 Transit, Rock View, Holiday
6 6 74 F Hopkins 0 Capra. Housemaid lies. Prvnns
4 4 s F Hopkins 4 Bay. Candle, Buckhorn, Fly. Fairy
5 cents oer copy. $1.50 per month. $17.00 per annum,
As plain enveloped letter; first-class mail. Single copies by mail, 6 cents.
Circulates in the United States, Canada. Mexico, Continental Europe, Great Britain, Cuba, the Philippines.
On sale each day before noon in Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Boston, Montreal,
Ottowa, Toronto, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Louisville. Cleveland, Buffalo and points between, and
shortly after noon in Kansas City and correspondingly distant points,
G. C. RILEY, Associate Editor
F. H. BRUNELL, Editor
441 Plymouth Court, Chicago, Illinois 74 Exchange Street, Buffalo, N..Y,
ANITA, b. f, 3
25983 Pimlico
25847 Pimlico
25782 H.deG'ce
26738 H.deG’ce
26706 H.deG’ce
23869 Pimlico
23633 Pimlico
28791 Laurel
23757 Laurel
23657 Laurel
23559 Laurel
22796 BlueBon.
7- 8 l:28%fast 37-20 U2 111
3-4 l:13%fast 32 105 3 1
3-4 1:15 hvy 27-20 100 1 2
3-4 1:13 good 17-6 100 5 4
51 f 1:08 fast 25 113 3 1
3-4 1:13^4 fast 10 106 3 5
3-4 l:13%fast 21-5 115 1 2
3-4 1:15 hvy 14 105 2 2
3-4 1 :12%fast 91 106 2 2
64 f l:1144hvy 14-5 111 3 4
51 f l:09ftslop 41 112 4 2
8- 4 l:15%slow 14-6 113 4 2
:15%slow 14-6 113 4 2
CORSICAN, b. g, 4 100
25956 Pimlico lm70y l:46%fast 32-5 103 1 2 2
23998 Bowie lm70y 1 :46%fast 13-5 108 3 3 3
23879 Pimlico 1 1-8 l:54%fast 28-5 1 06 3 4 7
23843 Pimlico 1 l:41%fast 36-5 102 6 6 6
23579 Laurel lm70y 1 :50 hvy 31-10 106 3 3 1
22544 Laurel 51 f 1:07 fast 85 113 6 9
23419 Laurel 3-4 1:14 good 21 104 3 2
23281 W’dblne lm70y 1:47 fast 12-5 107 1 4 4
23096 W’dblne 1 1-16 l:47%fast 2 107 4 3 4
23076 W’dbine 3-4 l:12*fast 21 107 3 3
22724 BlueBon. 1 l:39%fast 8-5 98 3 2 2
HOLIDAY, b. g. 5, 106
25971 Pimlico 7-8 l:2S%fast 10 109
23970 Bowie 1 1-16 1:48 fast 61 108
23950 Bowie 1 l:42Vfcfast 19-20 109
23890 Pimlico 1 1-8 l:»l%ra*t 18-5 100
By Veorheea — Handsome Florry (H. O. Bedwell).
1 * 11 E Taplin 5 Dumrosrli, Phil Ungar, OldSeout
2 1 3*1 W Ward 9 T.o’tli’M’ing, P.Henry, S.Beach
6 6 7 | J Dreyer 5 Fenmouse, SirEdgar, J. J. Lillis
61 5*1 J McTag’rt 9 A.N.Akin, S.E’gar, T.o’tli’M’ing
1* 4*1 E Haynes 6 K. Neptune, P’hibition, E.Henry
4* 5*| M Buxton 15 Franklin, Spur, Socony
61 4*1 C B’game 10 Franklin, Tiajan, Sprint
2* 3} M Buxton 12 Dodge, Spur. Franklin
8* 2* M Buxton 6 Geo.Smlth, Col. Venule, Ferarock
3* 2*1 F Cooper 7 Prohibition, Tiajan, Schoolboy
2* 2* F Cooper 7 Regina, Hidden Star, Ilarla
2»* lb F Cooper 8 Candle. Reserve, Iollte
By Golden Xucim — Personal (W. P. Burch).
21 2J R Ball (! Kewessa, Greenwood, B. Broom
4* 6‘* J Butwell 7 Repul)lican, Borgo. Little Nearer
4nk 4> W Lilley 10 Ambrose, Stonehenge, B. Broom
3*1 2a W Lilley 9 C’nnonade, Repub’can, S'prising
1* l 1 R McD’ott S Royal Meteor, Valas, H. Junior
8* 7*1 R Har’gton 9 Squceler, Scaramouch, Forum
3* ' 3*j R Har’gt’n 5 Sarsenet, B.C’narder, P’gresslve
81 8*| J Morys 9 Stir Up, Beau Pere, Change
3* 4 1 ! J Morys C Buzz Around. Redland. Martian
2»a In* J Morys 13 Sempsilla, Crossbnn. Hnrbard
2* l 1 J Morys 6 Redland, St. Lazerlan, Marsbon
23970 Bowie 1 1-16 1:48 fast 61
23950 Bowie 1 l:12V4fast 19-3
23890 Pimlico 1 1-8 l:51%faat 18-,
23870 Pimlico lm40y 1:42 fast 15
23863 Pimlico
1 1 :39%fast 46-6 106
23849 Pimlico 1 1-16 1:47 fast 11 105
23835 Pimlico 1 l:39%fast 35 101
23332 H.deG’ce 1 1-16 1:46 fast 20 100
23265 H.deG'ce lm70yl:42%fast 30 98
RUNES, br. c, 4 105
23578 Laurel 1 1-16 l:50%hvy 12 100
23445 Laurel 1 1-16 1 :55 mud 23-20 109
23332 H.deG’ce 1 1-16 1:46 fast 12 97
23170 H.deG’ce lm70yl :43%good 41 102
23059 H.deG’ce lm'Oyl :45 fast 11-10 108
22984 H.deG’ce lm70yl:44 fast 15 107
22882 Belmont 1 l:38%fast 7 100
22818 Belmont 1 1:39 fast 15 104
22751 Belmont 7-8 l:25%fast IS 99
SOCONY, ch. c,
25964 Pimlico
23869 Pimlico
23833 Pimlico
23775 Laurel
23725 Laurel
23637 Laurel
23557 Laurel
23513 Laurel
23353 H.deG’ce
23040 H.deG’ce
22554 Saratoga
22445 Saratoga
KAMA. b. e, 3
2324 1 W’dbine
22931 Dorval
22857 Dorval
22672 BlueBon.
3-4 1:16 fast
3-4 l:13%fast
3-4 l:13%fast
3-4 l:18%hvy
1 l:43%slow
3-4 l:14%slow
3-4 l:16%slop
5 } t l:08%good
5} f l:06%fast
5-8 1 :00%fast
51 f l:07%fast
6} f l:C7fcfast
3-4 1:16 fast
55 f l:07%fast
5-8 l:01%fast
55 f l:07%fast
25 100 11
rid 97 1
48 110 2
24-5 112 4
38 945 1
62 108 2
70 110 5
27 103 7
30 90 7
40 97 7
11 108 7
11-6 941 1
13 107 3
38 103 3
By Golden Hutim — Personal (W. P. Burch).
2 21 21 R Ball <1 Kewessa, Greenwood, B. Broom
3 4* 6 1 * J Butwell 7 Republican, Borgo. Little Nearer
6 4 nk 4* W Lilley 10 Ambrose, Stonehenge. B. Broom
5 3*1 26 W Lilley 9 C’nnonade, Repub’can, S'prising
1 1* 1* R McD’ott S Royal Meteor, Valas, H. Junior
9 8* 7*1 R Har’gton 9 Squeeler, Scaramouch, Forum
2 3* ' 3*5 R Har’gt’n 5 Sarsenet, B.C’narder, P'gresslve
7 81 8*1 J Morys 9 Stir Up, Beau Pere, Change
8 3* 4 , j J Morys C Buzz Around. Redland. Mnrtlan
3 2» k Ink j Morys 13 Sempsilla, Crossbnn. Hnrbard
2 2* l l J Morys 6 Redland, St. Lazerlan, Marshon
By Broomstick — Leisure (A. Barklie).
6 6* 6'° J McTag't S P. Henry. Flittergold. G’enwood
2 2 1 2 1 ! M Buxton S Ilarrv Shaw, Eagle. Flittergold
6 5>5 4=3 J McTag'rt 0 Wood. Shoes, Venetia, CllffField
3 2"k 3'J J McCahey E He Will. Short Grass. H. Shaw
1 l“k 2” J McCahey 7 II. Shaw. Stromholi, C.o’theWalk
2 2>1 2*1 J McCahey 8 He Will. J.J.Lillis. Flittergold
1 11 13 J McTag’rt f> Short (irass. Spearhead, W. Shoes
6 3nk 3* J McCahey 7 HeWUl. R.Brndley. Snndmanll.
3 4* 4*1 J McTag’rt 7 C.o’tbeWalk. Lahore, Flltterg’ld
5 5* 5*1 L Mink 6 Stromboli, Slumber II., Tartar
By Voorhees — Chiffle (H. Waterson).
4 5'i 5*1 W Lilley (5 Noureddin, Montresor. B. Thistle
1 1» 11 W Lilley 6 Borgo. PaTdner, Clift Field
4 5 1 * 5* L McAtee 7 C.o'tlieWalk, Lahore, Flitterg’ld
1 1* I s W Lilley 5 Ilist. Shore, UneleBryn, TheFinn
2 1* 1* W Lilley 7 Amalfi. Col. A:-, limeade. Hedge
3 5* 5*J M Buxton 7 Blue Thistle, Lahore, H. Shaw
5 4* 4 4 J W Lilley 5 Trial by Jury, T. Finn. Hauberk
3 3>1 4*4 J McTag’rt 7 Harry Shaw, Y. Notions. Lahore
7 7* 5*J P Lowder 9 Blue Thistle; T. as Steel, Pullux
Bv McGee — Any day (H. L. Pratt).
11 11 10*3 J McCahey xl Ed. Henry, Vermont. B.Cunarder
1 l 1 3 4 1 J McCaheylS Franklin, Spur, Tea Caddy
5 6'i 7°3 J McCaheylO Franklin. Tiajan, Sprint
4 4* 4*1 J McCahey 8 Ildiko. Eddie Ilenry, Alfadlr
6 75 S>*JJ McCaheylO King Neptune. Spur, Tea Caddy
1 2*5 3 4 J McCahey 8 Sprint. Franklin. LordRockVale
7 7 4 8 14 5C B’game S Celandria, S’intendent. L.B’bary
8 8* 6 9 } J McCaheylO Startling, Fernrock. Brooinvale
7 8* 8 1, JL McAtee 9 Whimsy, Virginia M„ Regina
1 2* 3* J McCahey 7 Pesky, Vermont. Ormesdale
7 7 7 1 * J McCaney 7 Fernrock, Startling, Rochester
9 85 7*5 J McCabeyl3 Rochester. Pesky. Whimsy
By Stanhope II. — Kermess (C. S. Campbell).
4 7* 7*1 J Callahan 8 Dehaven, Armine, Sweet Colleen
1 l'i l'i W McCl’rylO CerfVolant, SlrJaraes, SlrArtliur
2 2 1 2* A Collins 7 Kansliore, D. Carlin. WilliamW.
8 8 8* 1 A C —ins 8 Sw’tColleen. Armine. BillyFrew
GLOAMING, ch. o, 4
25970 Pimlico lm70y l:47%fast
2 2
25720 H.deG’ce
lm70yl :44%fast
13-5 104
5 4
26704 H.deG’ce
51 f l:07M;fast
1061 6
25673 Bowie
3-4 l:13%fast
25624 Bowie
3-4 1:13 fast
24977 N.Orl’ns
1 l:38%fast
4 4
24460 N.Orl’ns
1 l:42Hhvy
4 4
24411 N.Orl’ns
3-4 1:13 fast
24327 N.Orl’ns
3-4 l:13%fast
24017 Bowie lm20y l:43%faat
43-20 103
3 3
blk. h. 6
25891 Pimlico
1 l:41%fast
3 3
25861 Pimlico
1 1 :42%fast
2 2
21834 Ham’ton
3-4 1.12%fast
21261 Ham’ton
3-4 l:13%fast
21087 Con’ght
3-4 l:14%fast
18453 H.deG’ce
lm70yl :47 fast
6 3
18430 H.deG’ce
3-4 1:15 good 10
15112 Ham’ton
3-4 l:13ttfast
113 12
15065 B’kline Abl 3-8 2: 26 ft fast
. f. 4
25931 Pimlico
lm40y 1:47 slow 3
2 2
25805 H.deG’ce
1 1-16 l:50%slow27-10 112
4 4
25763 H.deG’ce
lm”0yl:47 slop
3 4
25717 H.deG’ce
lm70yl :46%fast
37-20 107
1 1
25705 H.deG’ce
lm70yl :46%fast
3 3
25688 H.deG'ce
3-4 l:15%good 21
25514 Havana
1 1-16 1:47 fast
2 2
25485 Havana
1 l:40%fast
1 1
25461 Havana
3-4 l:12%fast
25269 Havana
1 l:41%fast
1 1
25334 Havana
3-4 l:14Vfcfast
25271 Havana
51 f l:06%fast
25197 Havana
61 f l:08%fast
24401 Havana
1 1-16 l:46Hfast
2 2
24292 Havana
1 1-16 1:46 fast
2 3
SIXTH RACE — 1 Mile. Country Club Selling Handicap. 8-year-olds and upward.
— 112 .)
(92602—1 :39-— 3
YODELINO, ch. g, 6 106
25976 Pimlico lm7uy l:47%fast 23-10 108 2
25914 Pimlico :i-4 l:14%fast 42-5 108 1
25849 Pimlico 3-4 1:14 fast fid 112 1
23851 Pimlico 1 3-16 2:01%fast 3 110 5
23830 Pimlico 11:42 fast 31-10 111 2
23726 Laurel lm70y l:46%slow 19-5 110 4
23591 Laurel lm20y 1:47 hvy 27-6 108 1
23514 Laurel 1 1-16 l:4S%good 3 109 1
23483 Laurel 1 1-16 l:56%mud 37-20 105 1
23398 Laurel 1 1-16 l:55%hvy 7-4 108 2
BRAVE CUNARDER. br. k. 5 115
25984 Pimlico 3-4 1:16 fast 16 112 10
25954 Pimlico 1 l:42%fast 12-5 116 1
25787 H.deG’ce lm70yl:48%hvy 28-5108 3
25763 H.deG’ce lm70yl:47 slop 19-5 115 2
26720 H.deG’ce lm70yl:44%fast 12-5 106 1
25704 H.deG’ce 55 f l:07%fast 132 104 1
25417 Havana 55 f 1 :07%good 4 108 4
26367 Havana 3-4 l:lltfcfast 5 107 2
26260 Havana 3-4 1:12 fast 4} 107 2
24810 Havana 1 1-16 l:45%fast 3-2 116 1
24424 Havana 3-4 l:114fcfa*t 3} 109 2
24401 Havana 1 1-16 l:46Vfcfaat 9-6 110 6
BUZZ ABOUND, ch. m. 5 107
25964 Pimlico 1 l:42»tfast 17 108 6
25849 Pimlico 3-4 1:14 fast 120 102 7
24017 Bowie lm20y 1 :43%fast 24-5 105 6
23972 Bowie lm70y l:46%fast 23 104 8
23946 Bowie lm70y l:475fcfast 61-10 103 10
23919 Bowie 1 1-16 1 :48^fast 19 104 2
23879 Pimlico 1 1-8 l:54(fcfast 21 102 8
23866 Pimlico 11-8 1:65 fast 37-20 1 03 2
23850 Pimlico 1 3-16 2:01 fast 2 101 6
By Boehampton— Yodler (H. J. Morris).
1 li 3= J McCahey 8 Gloaming. II. Lauder. Hnrbard
3 25 3= J McCahey 8 Water Lily, J. Straith, S.Beach
4 6= 6*3 J McCah’y 11 W.Lily, T.M’queruder, K.Wortli
1 1* 1J J McCahey 8 Ben Quince. Hedge. I’erth Rock
10 10 10'* J McCaheylO Ambrose, Sir W.Johnson. K. Box
2 I"* 1* J McCahey 10 Scnraraoncli, Dryad, Marshon
1 l" k 1* J McCahey 8 Ben Quince. Marshon, King Box
1 1* l'i J McCaheylO Jawbone, D.’s Pet. Kris Krlngle
1 l 1 l 1 J McCahey 7 Balfron. Trovato, Dick’s Pet
1 2* 2’ F Cooper 6 CarltouO., LouiseTrav’s, Sonada
By Cunard — Grail (H. G. Bedwell).
9 €® k 3 h E Taplin 11 Eddie Henry, Vermont, Tiajan
6 4 1 4*7 E Taplin 9 Redland, DamrosCli.B. Around
2 2* l*k J McTag’rt 4 Redland, Hnrbard, Star Gaze
3 3* 3‘* W Sch’orn 4 P. Ungar, Illuminator, Dinah Do
2 2’ 2‘ J McTag'rt 5 Gallop, Hnrbard, Gloaming
6 6“* 4*i W Ward 8 Bet. Ua, Imperntor, King Worth
4 5 4*5 H Lafferty 5 Tiajan, KlngWorth, Charmcuse
3 2”* 3*J H Lafferty 5 K. Worth, Aldebaran, NathanR.
3 2”* 2*5 H Lafferty 4 K.Worth. NathanR., Cbarmeuse
3 3 4 2* E Taplin 5 Aldebaran. B. Quince, F.Degr'ee
2 3* 3*5 E Taplin 7 Othello, Water Lily, Aldebaran
2 1*| 1* E Taplin 6 Stonehenge. DinahDo, F. Degree
By Cunard — Wayward Last (J. Arthur).
5 35 3*J M M’ntain 9 Redland. Damroseb. B.Cunnrder
8 8* 5*J M M'ntainll W.Lily. T.M’querader. K.Worth
6 6 5*1 T Par'ton <1 Stonehenge, Aldebaran, Gloum’g
7 4' 4 4 1 T Par'ton 8 S.W.J’nson, L.Nearer. Rep’liean
8 6*5 3* T Par'ton 10 Jem, Stonlienge, SirW. Johnson
8 7* 6" T Par’ton 9 Republican, L. Nearer, Naushon
8 7* 6 n i L McAtee 10 Ambrose, Stonehenge, B. Broom
3 3= l 1 L McAtee 10 H.o'Liglit, (5. M. Miller. T.ltump
6 C* 7‘i M Garner 8 Yodeles, Dartwortli, Bil. Baker
REPUBLICAN, b. g. 7 113
25680 Bowie 1 l:45%slop 8-5 110 2 4 3
25661 Bowie 1 l:42%fast 2 114 6 4 4
25598 Bowie 7-8 l:28)igood 35 107 5 6 4
: 25585 Bowie 7-8 l:28%fast 33-10 108 5 6 6
25350 N.Orl'ns 1 l:39%fast 10 107 7 6 3
25285 N.Orl’ns lm70y l:43%fast 18-5 108 6 5 4
26256 N.Orl’ns 1 1-16 l:45)ifast 20 106 7 3 3
24680 N.Orl’ns lm20y l:44%mud 6 115 2 6 5
24G08 N.Orl’ns lm70y 1:45 fast 6 112 6 4 4
24292 Havana 1 1-16 1:46 fast 13-5 114 3 1 1
24021 Bowie lm20y l:43%fast 9-6 112 1 1 1
23998 Bowie lm70y l:46%fast 61-20 110 1 1 1
23972 Bowie lm70y l:46%fast 21-10 114 7 3 1
23940 Bowie 1 1-16 l:52ftslow 17-20 114 3 2 1
23919 Bowie 1 1-16 l:4S%fast 36-5 107 4 2 1
JESSE JR., b. g, 4 100
25984 Pimlico 3-4 1:16 fast 106 102 7 9
25954 Pimlico 1 l:42%fast 49 108 9 7 4
26917 Pimlico 3-4 l:14%fast 24-5 115 3 1
25864 Pimlico 3-4 l:14%fast 3 109 6 6
25825 H.deG’ce 3-4 l:14%good f’ld 115 3 3
25780 H.deG’ce 3-4 l:16%hvy 12 103 2 2
25513 Havana 1 l:40%fast 1 107 3 2 2
25495 Havana 3-4 l:13%fast 7-5 107 3 1
24527 Havana lm50y 1:44 fast 1 111 3 2 2
24442 Havana 1 l:40%fast 7-10 106 3 2 1
24402 Havana 1 l:40%fast 6 106 2 3 2
ILLUMINATOR, b. g. 3 100
25970 Pimlico lm70y l:47%fast 39 104 5 6 5
25865 Pimlico 1 1:41 fast 132 103 5 4 5
25763 H.deG’ce lm70.vl:47 slop 24-5 103 1 1 2
25711 H.deG’ce lm70yl :45%f ast 15 101 4 4 2
25661 Bowie 1 l:42%fast 24-5 99 1 2 2
25646 Bowie lm20y l:47V4slop 16-5 101 2 1 1
25598 Bowie 7-8 l:28%good 15 103 4 4 6
25257 N.Orl’ns 1 1-16 l:46%fast 4 93 2 1 1
25173 N.Orl’ns 3-4 l:12%fast 8 108 2 5
25062 N.Orl’ns 3-4 l:13%fast 41 1121 2 1
24978 N.Orl’ns lm20y l:41%fast 4 109 2 1 1
CHRISTOPHINE, br. m. 5 90
25971 Pimlico 7-8 l:28%faat 192 90 5 8 8
23899 Bowie lm70y l:43%fast f’ld 99 11 10 10
23850 Pimlico 1 3-16 2:01 fast 21-5 96 8 7 7
23817 Pimlico 1 1-8 l:54&fast 14 101 8 8 8
23799 Laurel 1 1-16 1:49 good 41 106 2 10 9
23547 laurel 1 1-4 2:06Vtfast 3-2 101 11 8 6
23502 Laurel 1 1-4 2:lSHhvy 41 103 8 8 5
23468 Laurel 1 1-16 1:55 hvy 33-10 100 8 8 8
23354 H.deG’ce lmTOyl :45 fast 41 107 12 12 12
23204 H.deG’ce 1 1-16 l:47%fast 12 1051 8 9 9
1:16 fast 106 102 7 9
l:42%fast 49 108 9 7 4
l:14%fast 24-5 115 3 1
l:14%fast 3 109 6 6
l:14%good f’ld 115 3 3
l:16%hvy 12 103 2 2
l:40%fast 1 107 3 2 2
l:13%fast 7-5 107 3 1
1:44 fast 1 111 3 2 2
l:40%fast 7-10 106 3 2 1
l:40%fast 6 106 2 3 2
25954 Pimlico
25849 Pimlico
23985 Bowie
23961 Bowie
23858 Pimlico
23836 Pimlico
23790 Laurel
23698 Laurel
23610 Laurel
23543 Laurel
23478 Laurel
K. *
1 l:4294fast 61
3-4 1:14 fast 1241
1 1-16 1:51 fast 13
7-8 1:28 fast 25
1 1-16 1:49 fast 24-6
lm40y l:45%fast 15
1 1-16 1 :49%hvy 37-10
lm20y l:51V4hvy 27-20
3-4 1:16 hvy 41
5J f 1:07 fast 64
3-4 l:20%mud 27
103 5 3 3
105 10 10
106 8 3 3
111 8 7 6
104 6 2 2
107 6 7 7
101 3 1 1
104 2 2 2
102) 6 5
110 11 11
110 9 3
By Star Shoot — Autumn Leaves (Boston 8tablo).
2 2'1 l 1 J McTag’t N H. Luuder, Yodeling, Hnrburd
4 4* 4* A Schu’g’r 5 Gallop, B. Cunarder, Harbsrd
4 4* 5*1 E Haynes 8 Bet. Us, Imperator, King Worth
5 5* 2* E Ambr’se 7 P’sumption, Pontefract, S.Knbb
1 2* 2 1 A Schu’g’r 6 Flittergold, P’sumption, S.Knob
4 7 7*“ T Koerner 7 Lahore, Dor. Dean, Oratorlum
4 4 4* 4 J McTag’rt 4 Grumpy. Dr. Larrlck, Gold. Boy
2 2*1 2<> T Koerner 8 Hes. Prynne, Ahara, Skeer Face
1 1} Ink J Butwell 8 Puck, Stout Heart, Viley
3 3* 3*1 T Hayes 6 St’nehenge, Aldebaran. A’ament
By Bock Sand — Black Poplar (Orosvenor Stable).
2 11 l 1 ! J McCahey 8 Harry Lauder, Luther, Joe Finn
2 1“ 2» J McCahey 5 Lazuli, Judge Wright, Pandean
8 6 4 6">JW Webber 8 Schemer. Scrutine’r. North. Light
7 6* 4* N Kennedyl2 Miss Gayle, Brandywine. KateK.
5 2k 1* N Kennedy 9 Subject, Aprisa. Wodan
2 2* 4*1 E Ambrose 9 Dakota. Frontier, Dane. Master
9 9* 8' 4 1E Ambroselo Weldshlp, MartlnCasca, Dakota
Ll ll 1 ll* 1 E Ambrosel2 Paintbrush, Capt. Ben. Inkle
3 Mr GECl’k 4 Willing, Geo. Kno. Gilbert — _
By Burgomaster — Black Venus (J. Gormley).
2 15 li A Schu’g’r 0 Tamerlane, Cnsnba. L. George
3 l»k l 1 A Schu’g’r 8 Freda JolinRon, Muzanti, Videt
4 4 4 ,s A Schu’g’r 4 P.Ungar, Illuminator, B. C’arder
1 l 1 A Schu’g’r 7 R.Meteor. L. England, R. o’Light
3 3 1 4*2 A Schu’g’r 8 Videt, Miss Waters. M. Warren
5 4* 4 4 1 E Foreh’dlO Borax. Good Counsel, Old Bob
1 3'i 2 1 J Hatt 5 Tamerlane, Q. Apple, R. o’Light
1 1‘i 2° S Wolst’m 6 QueenApple, Tamerlane, TiePin
2 2'i 2i W Ward 4 Water Lily. Mac, Cbarmeuse
1 1* 1* n Lafferty 0 R.o’Light, W.Crown, Tamerlane
1 1* 1*| H Lafferty 7 Quick, Sosius, Afterglow
2 2* 2* J Hatt 6 Borax, Tie Pin. Quick
5 31 21 J Hatt 7 Paulson, Auavri. Envy
3 3* 3*i K Lapaille tf B. C’urder, S’nehenge, F.Degreo
4 2<> 3>| M Mount’n 5 Confla'tion, Scorpil, B.Cunarder
By Stalwart — Miss Canale (O. L. Peine K
3 3“ 3“t J Hanover 4 Redland, Dryad, Ahara
3 2i 3'2 J Cruise 6 Jem, Bobby Boyer, Illuminator
4 4* 4*1 A Schu’g’r (1 Fenmouse, KlngWorth, F. Helen
6 6 6=» F Keogh 6 FairHelen, Redland, Flittergold
2 2* 2*i F Keogh 7 F.Rile^ G.M.Miller, B.Hensley
3 3 1 4* F Roblns’n 7 F. Riley, B. Hensley, Bertodano
5 6* 6 1# F Robins’n 8 For Fair, DorotbyDean, Grumpy
6 6*° 6 ,T J Hanover 8 Syrian, Bertodano, H. Temple
4 «* 6*i J McTag’rt 7 Ambrose. Cliff Field, Fair Helen
2 6 6*2 R Watts 5 Conflagration. Scorpil. Dinah Do
1 3* o* L Allen 7 Sir W. Johnson, Lohengrin, Jem
1 1* 1* A Schu’g’r 7 Borgo. Little Nearer. Nephtbys
1 l'i 3'i A Schu’ger 8 S.W.J’nson, L.Nearer, B. Around
1 1* 1* A Schu’g’r 7 Nephtbys, Stonehenge, Reybourn
1 1* 1* A Schu’g’r 9 Lit. Nearer, Naushon, Nephtbys
By The Commoner — Bessie McCarthy (I. M.
6 5k 9*2 J Gartner 11 Ed. Henry, Vermont, B.Cunarder
3 6 1 7 T J J Gartner 9 Redland, Damrosch, B. Around
2 3» k 4* R Troxler. 9 Striker, Capt. Parr, Anavri
8 8J 9*1 J Gartner 15 Kootenay, Cliff Haven, L. London
3 31 42 J McTag’t 13 M.’sCboice, L. London, R’flection
2 3*° 2* J Gartner 4 Gallop, Pontefract, Aristocrat
3 4'1 5 10 R Watts « Tie Pin, Cbarmeuse, ScOrpii
1 1* 1* M M’ntain 7 Miss Genevieve, Par.Boy, Kopje
2 1“* 2k W Doyle 6 DcllaMaek, Luther, St.Lnzerian
1 1*1 1* W Doyle 0 E.ofSavoy, Tamerlane, Sordello
2 2“* 5'1 W Doyle 7 FlyingFeet, Loclilel, Altamaha
By Von Tromp— Candlewick (W. P. Austin, Jr.).
6 6* 5* L McAtee S (Mourning. H. Lauder, Yodeling
5 4* 4'* L McAtee C SlumberlL, F’tergold, P’hibition
2 2 10 2* J McTag’rt 4 P. Ungar, B. Cunarder, DinahDo
3 4* 5'1 M And’sonlO Phil Ungar, Ahara, Tamerlane
4 4* 4*2 E Graves (5 Jem, Bobby Boyer, Republican
2 3* 3*5 M M’ntain 4 Dryad, Phil Ungar, GoodCounsel
5 6 6'» L McAtee C Fenmouse, KlngWorth, F.Helen
1 1* l'i L McAtee 8 Cadenza, Guide Post, Reno
4 61 5*1 F Keogh 8 BlueCap, Souvenir, RoseMarian
1 :28%f ast 192 90 5 8 8
1 :45%fast f’ld 99 11 10 10
2:01 fast 21-6 96 8 7 7
l:5454iast 14 101 8 8 8
1:49 good 4i 106 2 10 9
2:06V4fast 3-2 101 11 8 6
2:18%hvy 45 103 8 8 5
1:55 hvy 33-10 100 8 8 8
1 :43 fast 41 107 12 12 12
l:47%fast 12 1051 8 9 9
61 5*2 F Keogh 8 BlueCap, Souvenir, RoseMaria:
2k 3' T McTag’t 8 Lucky R., Blue Cap, Mary H.
1* 1* J Metcalf 9 Luszi. Larkin. Tito
By Plaudit — Emma Traunmiiler (G. Phillips),
8 8 8 17 B Kop’man 8 P. Henry, Flittergold, G’enwood
10 91 5 7 1 J Pitz 11 Nephtbys, Lit. Nearer. AllSmtles
6 7 4 6 4 I T Par’gton 8 Yodeles. Dartworth, BU. Baker
7 7* 7'“ W Lilley 8 Spearhe’d, St’nehenge. B.Thlstle
6 6* 2i R McD’ottlO Scorpii, Dick’s Pet. Valss
4 2 1 2* R McD'ott 11 Petelus. Napier, Tamerlane
4 3* 3* It McD'ott S Marshon, Billie Baker, Sonada
7 7' 6»iL Mink 8 All Smiles. Eagle. Marshon
8 2' 2" L Mink 12 Armam’nt. D’gerfleld, K. Krlngle
9 71 7*1 J Butwell 9 Amalfi. Stonehenge, Guy Fisher
By Dr Legro — Coma (P. Sheridan).
8 8 75 6*2 M And'son 9 Redlind, Damrosch. B. Around
9 9* 7*1 M And’sonll W.Lily, T.M’querader, K.Worth
3 3| 6 4 M Buxton 10 King Box, Burwood. Scorpil
5 4 1 4'J W Kelsay 14 Roy. Meteor, NortbUght, Anxiety
5 7* 7“ T Par’gtonlO Alhcnn. Menlo Park, Baby Sister
7 7 1# 7 7 i T Par’gton 8 Stalw’rtHelen. Burwood. Scorpil
1 1* 1* T Par’gtonlO Orperth, Sig. Alpha, R. Langdon
1 1* 1* F Cooper 8 Bamboo. LfghtsOut, M. Richards
6 5* 4*1 R Anders'nl2 Fair Helen. Lily Orme. M. Caeca
11 11 9*1 R Anders’ nil J.B.Harrell. Ed. Adams. F.Helen
3 3* 3‘ R Auders’u 3 L. Travers, Sprlnguiass, E. Allen
Handicap figures on all entries. No tips; just the mathemat-
ical calculations of experts.
No opinions; just the news of each day by wire.
The index numbers are always correct.
Daily Racing Form is a model of correct detail in newspa*
The only daily newspaper in existence devoted to the
thoroughbred horse and the running turf. All American
form charts by telegraph, with indexed entries. Com-
pact, correct, cleanly edited and printed. Publisher of a
Monthly Form Book of the highest value to students of
racing. ,
FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1916.
SEVENTH RACE— 3-4 Kile. Wood berry
FLITTERGOLD, ch. h. 5 113
251*71 Pimlico 7-8 l:2S%fast 34 113 1 2 3
25865 Pimlico 11:41 fast 21-5115 2 5 3
25744 H.deG’ce lm70yl:45%fast 14-5114 16 4
25738 H.deG’ce 3-4 1:13 good59-10 115 6 6
25687 H.deG’ce 6J f l:07%good33-20 114 3 5
25624 Bowie 3-4 1:13 fast 21-20 112 2 2
25585 Bowie 7-8 l;2Sy 5 faat 6-5 112 1 4 3
23970 Bowie 1 1-16 1:48 fast 7 111 1 4 3
23890 Pimlico 1 1-8 l:51%fast 41-6 108 4 4 4
23863 Pimlico 1 l:39%fast 31-6 113 3 6 6
23835 Pimlico 1 l:39%fast 11-4 113 3 6 7
FAIR HELEN, ch. f. 4 101
25889 Pimlico 3-4 1:14 fast C 102 3 3
25698 H.deG’ce 6-8 1:01 fast 81-10 108 5 6
25659 Bowie 3-4 l:13%fast 18-5 105 1 2
25598 Bowie 7-8 1 :2SVigood31-20 103 3 2 2
25585 Bowie 7-8 1:28}
25350 N.Orl’ns 1 1:39:
25302 N.Orl’ns 1 1:» !
26267 N.Orl’ns 3-4 1:12
25208 N.Orl’ns 3-4 1:12 s
25140 N.Orl’ns 1 1:3S
Woodbeny Handicap (Second Division). 3 --ear -olds and upward.
7-8 l:28%fast 39-10 103 3 1 1
1 l:39%fast 6
1 l:39%fast 7
3-4 1:12 fast 6
3-4 l:12%fast 34
1 l:3S%fast 4
25098 N.Orl’ns 1 1-16 1:45 fast 20
25047 N.Orl’ns 3-4 1:13 fast 7
WATER LADT, b. m, 5
25889 Pimlico
23950 Bowie
23930 Bowie
23911 Bowie
23S85 Pimlico
23S55 Pimlico
23827 Pimlico
23797 Laurel
23777 Laurel
23639 Laurel
23532 Laurel
23199 Laurel
3-4 1:13 fast 26 104 5
1 l:42%fast 16-5 106 4
3-4 l:H>%hvy 44 103 7
3-4 l:13%fast 4J 106 6
3-4 l:12%fasi 11 103 7
3-4 1:12 fast 27 103 10
3-4 1:13 fast 15 102 7
3-4 1:12 good 6 105 6
3-4 1:17 hvy 43-10 106 7
3-4 l:14%slow 11-6 110 6
3-4 l:13%good fid 95 11
3-4 1:20 hvy 31-10 97 8
13 By Hastings— Fairy Gold (G. A. Muller).
13 1 2 3 3 2 : 25 C B'game 8 Prince Henry, Greenwood. Celto
15 2 5 3 1 2= 2J C B’game 6 Slumberll., l’rohibt’n, Il’minator
14 1 6 4 4 3 s 2‘ C B’game 5 Ambrose, Sheer Face, Redland
15 6 6 7 7 5 7”! C B’game 8 A.N.Akin, S.Edgar, T.o’th’M.ing
14 3 5 2 2 s 2” C B’game 8 Kewessa, J. J. Lillis, Vermont
12 2 2 2 I s l 1 C B’game 6 Gloaming, Presumption, S. Knob
12 1 4 3 3 3* 3‘JC Bur’ g' me 6 F. Helen. Itedland, Broomsedge
11 1 4 3 3 4* 4= J Butwell 8 Harry Shaw, Holiday, Eagle
08 4 4 4 5 5 5-3 W Lilley 5 He Will, Short Grass, Holiday
13 3 6 5 4 4* 4*1 T Par’gton 8 He Will, Holiday, J. J. Lillis
13 3 6 7 6 4*> 6 7 W Lilley 7 He Will, Robt. Bradley. Holiday
101 By Broomstick — Belle of Troy (J. Phillips).
02 3 3 3 3= 4 C T Par’ ton 5 Kewessa, Sir Edgar, ShortGrass
08 5 6 6 4* 24 R Ball 9 A.N.Akin, SirEdgar, P’ceHenry
05 1 2 1 l 4 1= J McTag’t 5 Pontefract, S. Knob, J. Wright
03 3 2 2 2 3 s 3=1 J McTag't 6 Fenmouse, K. Worth, Republican
03 3 1 1 1 I s 1*> J McTag’t 6 Redland, Flittergold, Br’msedge
102 4 2 4 4 54 6°} L McAtee 7 F.Riley, R’publican, G.M.MiUer
103 5 3 2 1 3*> 4*1 J McTag’rt 8 Dr. Carmen, Lahore, Greenwood
105 6 6 8 9 9“ M Garner 9 B’nghurst, H. Pry line, Korfbage
104 4 3 2 2*4 2>4 J McTag’t 8 Bringhurst, Ahara, Korfbage
99 4 4 4 3 2 1 2'4 R McD’ott 0 Grumpy, Beulah S., Deliver.
98 9 11 12 11 10* 12 14 L McAtee 15 Mar.Goosby, S.Face, Pan Zareta
99 9 6 3 24 1* L McAtee 12 P’sumption, H.Prynne, T’dorita
102 By Waterboy — Duchess of Towers (J. Arthur).
04 5 4 4 4 1 5* M M’ntain 5 Kewessa, Sir Edgar, ShortGrass
06 4 2 2 3 4 l 5* T Par’gton G Wood. Shoes, Veuetia, ClitTField
03 7 7 5 4 l 14 T Par’gton 7 Sand Marsh, Pullux, Carbide
06 6 5 6 4 1 4=2 T Par’gton G Sand Marsh, Kewessa, H.Prynne
03 7 6 7 8 s 8=4 L McAtee 9 Hester Prynne, Capra, Celto
03 10 11 11 8*> 6=2 L McAtee 11 Stromboli, H. Prynne, H. Shaw
02 7 6 5 6 1 3*1 M Garner 10 HighNoon, Cocko’theWalk, Celto
VENETIA, b, f, 4
25888 Pimlico
23950 Bowie
23905 Bowie
23885 Pimlico
23745 Laurel
23577 Laurel
23532 Laurel
23446 Laurel
23095 IV’dbine
22773 BlueBon.
22700 BlueBon.
22249 Windsor
220S1 FortErie
3-4 1:13 fast 36-5 102 4 3
1 l:42%fast 69-10 98 3 1 1
1 l:43%mud 57-10 97 6 4 3
3-4 l:12%fast 39 % 6 8
61 f l:06%fast f’ld 100 7 6
1 l:45%hvy 38-5 108 3 3 3
3-4 l:13%good f’ld 100 10
3-4 1:18 mud 3 100 6
3*> 3 6 J C Turner 6 Sir Edgar, Quartz, Hanson
5 s 4=4 C Turner 7 Buckhorn, B. Bay, S’erlntendent
6 1 5*f R McD’ott 6 Montresor, Fenmouse, Abara
64 4*2 L McAtee 11 High Noon, Dodge, Hanson
2 1 2=4 R McD'ott 8 Back Bay, Montresor, Leo Skolny
By Solitaire II. — Salv&trix (F. Sheridan).
5= 5=1 M And’son 7 Un.Bryn, Celto, SirWm. Johnson
2*4 2'4 E Foreh’d 6 Wood. Shoes. CliffField, Holiday
2*4 3 1 F Hopkins 6 Celto, Naushon, Borgo
74 6= P Lowder 9 Hester Prynne, Capra, Celto
4& 3 s P Lowder 14 Quartz, R. Bradley, Housemaid
2 l 2* W Lilley 5 Edna Kenna, PanMaid. StaiGlft
10 11 11 10 !1 T Par’gtonll High Noon, Dodge, Hanson
7-8 l:2G%fast 19-5 107 1 4 4
22773 BlueBon. 3-4 l:13%slop 16-5 106 4 4
22700 BlueBon. 3-4 1:12 fast 18-5 106 5 5
22249 Windsor 3-4 l:13%fast 7-4 97 2 2
220S1 FortErie 64 f l:06%good 12-5 95 4 4
MONTRESOR, ch. g. 6 104
23S27 Pimlico 3-4 1:13 fast 16 106 2 3
23639 Laurel 3-4 l:14%slow 12-5 113 3 2
23590 Laurel 1 l:44%hvy 32-5 100 4 3 3
23578 Laurel 1 1-16 1 :50%hvy 2 112 1 1 1
23499 Laurel 3-4 1:20 hvy 34-5 104 3 3
22916 Belmont 7-8 1:26 fast 6 110 1 1 3
23639 Laurel 3-4 1:14%
23590 Laurel 1 1:44%
23578 Laurel 1 1-16 1:50%
23499 Laurel 3-4 1:20
22916 Belmont 7-8 1:26
22556 Saratoga 1 1:41
22475 Saratoga 7-8 1:29%
22399 Saratoga 1 1:40
22143 Saratoga 1 1:43%
22066 Saratoga 7-8 1:29%
TOM ELWARD, hr. c, 3
25969 Pimlico 7-8 1:27%
238S1 Pimlico 3-4 1:13%
23826 Pimlico 3-4 1:14%
23743 Laurel 3-4 1:14%
23513 Laurel 51 f 1:08%
23331 H.deG’ce oj f 1:08
23292 H.deG’ce 55 f 1:07%
7-8 1:26 fast 6 110 1 1 3
1 1:41 fast 11-5 109 1 1 1
7-8 l:29%mud 13-6 111 3 2 3
1 1:40 fast 11-6 111 1 1 2
1 l:43%slow 3 107 2 2 2
7-8 1 :29%hvy 7-10 110 2 2 2
hr. c, 3 98
7-8 l:27%fast 19 99 2 a 3
3-4 l:13%fast 6-4 101 2 3
3-4 l:14%fast 24-5 107 2 2
3-4 l:14%fast 4* 108 5 6
23513 Laurel 51 f l:08%good 32-5 106 5
23331 H.deG’ce oj f 1:08 fast 18-6 113 1
23292 H.deG’ce 55 f l:07%fast 6-5 109 3
23084 H.deG’ce 6Jfl:08 fast 13-10 111 3
22742 Saratoga 6£ f l:ll%slow 4) 107 5
20823 BlueBon. 5-8 l:02%fast 31 108 5
BERNICE, blk. f. 3 104
25921* Pimlico 3-4 1:16 slow 47-10 103 3 4 1
21923 Ham’ton 5-8 l:02%hvy 9-10 112 2 3 2
216S2 Windsor 5-8 l:0G%hvy 34-5 103 2 2 2
21469 FortErie 5-8 l:10%hvy 81 102 5 5 6
21290 Ham’ton 6-8 l:01%fast 11-5 102 1 2 2
20841 BlueBon. 6-8 1:02 fast 20 109 1 1 2
ROBERT BRADLET, ch. g. 6 106
258X8 Pimlico 3-4 1:13 fast 81 107 7 Prop
25698 H.deG’ce 5-8 1:01 fast 29 1111 9 9 9
23962 Bowie 3-4 l:14%fast 32-5 107 4 Prop
23898 Bowie 1 l:41%fast 7-o 108 Propped.
23863 Pimlico 1 l:39%fast 34-6 109 5 4 4 7
23835 Pimlico 1 l:39%fast 51-10 107 6 2 2 2
23814 Pimlico 3-4 l:13%fast 4 115 5 4 4
23798 Laurel 1 l:40%good 28 - - - -
23745 Laurel 61 f l:06%fast f’l
1 l:40%good 28-5 109 3 2 2
23745 Laurel 51 f l:06%fast fid 108 4
BONNIE TESS, ch. f, 3 106
23791 Laurel 3-4 1:15 hvy f’ld 104 9
23745 Laurel 55fl:06%fast f’ld 96 12
22398 Saratoga 3-4 1:14 fast 10 100 3
22317 Saratoga 51 f l:09%good 8-5 104 1
21755 Belmont 51 f st 1:07 slow 20 119 3
21648 Belmont 6-8 st 59%fast 6 114 4
21473 Aqueduct 5-8 1:04%slop 10 115 3
21129 Jamaica 5-8 l:01%fast 15 99 2
4 5 3*> 4*1 J Callahan 6 Carbide, DistantShore, Coquette
4 4 4 s 3*1 J Callahan 5 Pan Zareta. W.Lady, T.W.Moon
4 4 5* 3=1 J Callahan 7 W. Lady, P.Zareta, TheW.Moon
5 4 41 2 s J Callahan 10 Kewessa, Sir Edgar, Slipper Day
2 1 1* 1* J Callahan 7 Kewessa, Othello, The W. Moon
4 4 1* 1* H Stearns 7 South. Maid, Vogue, Between Us
By Monfort— Madchen (R. T. Wilson).
3 6 9=° 9'= J McCaheylO HighNoon, C.o’theWalk, W.Lady
2 2 1= 1* J McTag’rt 6 Fenmouse, Ahara, Blue Thistle
3 2 2= 3>i J Callahan 6 Dodge, Addie M., Gainer
1 2 2* 2* J McCahey 6 Noureddin, B. Thistle, Buckhorn
3 5 3 1 ! 3*1 J I* Ryan S Back Bay, W. Lady, Leo Skolny
3 4 4 3*1 J McCahey 4 The Finn, Purdey, Flittergold
1 1 l 1 2n M Buxton 7 Grumpy, S. McMeekin, C. Maid
3 5 4* 5°1 J McCahey 0 TheGrader, HarryShaw, Grumpy
2 3 3* 3* J McCahey 7 Holiday, Virile, Saratoga
2 2 21 2* J Butwell 7 Star Jasmine, Hanson, Pom. Bleu
2 2 2* 21 M Garner 3 Yankee Notions, Sea Shell
By McGee — Trisauce (E, McBride).
3 5 7* 6=* T Par’ton 8 R. Maiden, T.o’th’M’ing, U.Bryn
3 1 1= 1* T Par’gtonlO High Horse, Tralee, Broomvale
2 1 11 1*1 T Par’gtonlS Gold. List. Broomvale. P. Handle
6 8 8= 5*1 T Par’gtonl2 High Horse, Steilarina, Nolli
6 6 7 1 8 1S 1G Byrne 10 Startling, Femrock, Broomvale
1 1 11 2* T Par’gton 8 M.Herrmann. S.Mark, G. Counsel
4 4 4*> 5* J Butwell G Fernrock, Sky Pilot. Plumose
1 1 1*1 1*1 F Cooper 7 Success, Plumose, Lily Heavens
6 5 51 6=* J Butwell 6 Pleione, Pesky, Cosmic
7 6 3* 11 J Metcalf 10 Casco, lolite. Blue Cap
By Jcc Carey — Bonnie Lissak (Mrs. E, Trotter).
4 1 1*' 3’1 F Robins'n 8 Achievement, Celandria, Tiajau
3 2 2* 2* F Keogh G Taka. Anita, Margery
2 2 2*1 3°1 A Schu’g’r 7 Dodge. King Neptune, Taka
5 6 11 1“X W Ward 7 Milestone. Phil Ungar, Reserve
2 2 2* 21 L McAtee 8 Peggy O’Brien, Candle, Vosges
12 3* 10‘*1F Jackson 11 Alfadir. Ocean Prince, Ilaria
By McGee— Lady Onex (W. R. Mixein
Propped. T Par’ton 7 Un.Bryn, Celto, SirWm. Johnson
9 9 9 9 21 F Adams 9 A.N.Akin, FairHelen, Sir Edgar
Propped. M Garner 8 Kewessa, Back Bay, T. as Steel
[>ped. J Smyth 8 Eagle. Noureddin, Sandman II.
4 7 7* 7>*1J Smyth 8 He Will, Holiday, J. J. Lillis
2 2 2* 2* J Smyth 7 lie Will. Holiday. Sandman II.
4 4 3 1 3"*> J Smyth 11 T.asSteel. H. Prynne, Malachite
2 1 2* 2* J Smyth 7 Flittergold, Comely, Y. Notions
3 3 3* 2* J Smyth 14 Quartz, Venetla, Housemaid
Bv Star Shoot — Last Cherry (Quincy Stable).
12 12 12 12 1 * J McCaheylS Dodge, Spur, Anita
13 13 12* 10 10 J McCaheyll Quartz, Robt. Bradley, Venetla
5 6 6J 4* J McCahey 10 Bromo, St. Isidore, Fleuro
2 2 2 1 IS J McCahey 5 Feminist, Blume. Organdie
3 3 4* 4*1 C B’game 7 Celandria, Malachite, MissPuzzle
4 4 3 1 3*1 J McCahey 5 Malachite, M. Puzzle. Smoothbore
4 6 6* 5’J J McCahey 9 Celandria, Lorac, Malachite
3 4 5 1 2*> J McCahey 7 Celandria, Grasp, Malachite
J Smyth
7* 7>*1J Smyth
2* 2* J Smyth
3* 3»* J Smyth
2* 2* J Smyth
3 3* 2* J Smyth
MAY 15
June 24 to July 1.
Three-year-olds. 1 1-4 Miles.
Three-year-olds and upward. 1 1-8 Miles.
Two -year- olds.
DOMINION PLATE .$1,500 Added
Three -year -olds and upward. 1 1-8 Miles.
Circulating in the United States, Cuba, Philippine Islands,
Canada, Mexico, England, France, Germany, Austro-
Hungary, Australia, India, Argentina, Chili, Peru, etc., etc.
indexed form charts of all recognized racing in the United States, Canada, Cuba and
Mexico, has supplanted all others for the use of racing officials and is universally used by
jockey clubs throughout the world. Compact, accurate, perfectly printed, with absolutely
correct index, on linen paper, lettered, and bound in flexible leather. Contains, besides charts
of all recognized racing on American tracks, .the American and Canadian time records, scales
of weights of various governing bodies and records of jockey mounts in the United States,
Canada and Mexico, for the year.
wtr The Special Attention of Students of Eorm
is directed to the method of indexing the charts. The index shows each and every start of
July 26 to August 2.
HAMILTON CUP $2,000 Added
Three-year-olds and upward. 1 1-4 Miles.
Three-year-olds and upward, 1 1-16 Miles.
NURSERY PLATE $1,500 Added
Two-year-olds. 6 Furlongs.
Three-year-olds and upward. 1 Mile.
Seven Races Each Day.
PURSES $600 AND $700
A Steeplechase Every Other Day.
naURTK ORME, ch.
f, 3, by Monsieur de
L’Onne — Mum
J. O’Connell) .......
20365= m
20557 =m
20949= m
(21297* m
b. m, 6, by Kismet, by Melton — Jean Green
Hoskins) ,
19643= h
b. g, 5,
by Marathon — Edna Shannon ...
W. Sage)
. . .
( 18943) h
19396= h
(20362) m
(20401 )m
20560= m
(21562) sy
22045= m
(22486) h
(22598) m
(22622) h
(23502) h
“h” for heavy, “m” for muddy, “sy” for sloppy, “s” for slow; races not otherwise designated
were over fast or good tracks.
A. R. LOUDON, Secretary, Room 14 Court House Building, Hamilton, Canada
Normandy, France,
Estate of the late
Saturday, May 27, 1916,
AT 12:30 P . M.
GEORGE A. BAIN, Auctioneer
Powers-Hunter Company
was our best bet at Lexington in this week’s book.
ANITA 185-100 WON
was our best bet at Pimlico in this week’s book.
Get new book, on sale now. if you want to get a
line on all horses at Louisville. Nothing equal to
it. Only 25 cents per copy.
October — Grape — 13-38-11-40.
Room 403, 22 West Quincy Street, Chicago. Illinois.
TELEPHONES: Automatic 62-756.
Harrison 1314, 1315, 1316. All Departments.
435 Plymouth Court, Chicago, III.
Wednesday. See Commission Horses, Book 252.
Get the Thoroughbred for winners; 25 tents every-
where. TODAY’S BEST:
Went -North -Joe -Out -Let -Not, Book 252.
American Thoroughbred, Baltimore Bldg., Chicago.
R. 509 Baltimore Bldg., 22 W. Quincy St., Chicago.
Gray - October -You - Nate - Won- Can.
New book now on sale at any news-stand; 25
Arizona, Military. Mosaic, Robin.
Yesterday’s Special, Lucile P., 1775-100, second.
Room 801, 538 S. Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois.
has been oversold for the past few years and the attention of
prospective purchasers of the 1915 edition is respectfully called
to the desirability of placing orders early.
Price, Per Volume, $10
Copies by mail must go as registered matter, with
an extra charge of ten cents for registration.
Not responsible for hooks sent as regular mail.
441 Plymouth Court Chicago, Illinois
74 Exchange Street :: Buffalo, N. Y.